Search results : 342
Refine your searchIRIS 1999-10:1/15 [ES] Developing the Revised Spanish Law on the implementation of the "Television Without Frontiers" Directive | |
The most important legal provision in Spanish Broadcasting Law as far as content regulation is concerned is Law 25/1994, on the implementation of the "Television Without Frontiers" Directive. The Law 25/1994 was amended in June 1999 by Law 22/1999, which incorporated into Spanish Law the new "Television Without Frontiers" Directive (EC Directive 97/36/EC). Now, Spanish Law 25/1994 (as amended by Law 22/1999; see IRIS 1999-7: 10) has been developed by a Regulation approved by the Government. This Regulation, which only applies to national broadcasters, deals with several matters: - The right of... |
IRIS 1999-10:1/3 [ES] Decree-Law on Electronic Signatures | |
The Spanish Government has approved a Decree-Law regulating electronic signatures. This legal provision is based on the common position adopted by the Council of the European Union with a view to adopting a Directive on a Community framework for electronic signatures. The purpose of the Spanish Decree-Law is to regulate the use of electronic signatures, their legal recognition and the provision of certification-services. The provisions of this Decree-Law apply to service providers established in Spain. The Decree Law differentiates between "electronic signatures" (meaning data in electronic form... |
IRIS 1999-9:1/19 [ES] Code of Listed Sports Events | |
The Consejo para las Emisiones y Retransmisiones Deportivas (Plenary Meeting of the Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events) has published the Code of Listed Sports Events for the season 1999/2000. The sports affected are football, cycling, basketball, handball, motorcycle racing and tennis. The Code indicates which events in each of these sports must be broadcast on free-to-air TV (provided a free-to-air broadcaster is interested in doing so). In addition, it ought to be noted that art. 5 of the Law 21/1997 states that one match from every league or cup competition game day, for those sports... |
IRIS 1999-9:1/12 [ES] Application of the Ownership Limits of the Private TV Law | |
The Audiencia Nacional (High Court) held that the acquisition by Telefónica of a 25% stake in the private broadcaster Antena 3 TV was lawful. This operation took place in July 1997, and was authorised by the Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Development). The authorisation granted by the Ministerio de Fomento was challenged in court by the Spanish media group PRISA , which has joint control, together with Canal Plus , of the Spanish private broadcaster Sogecable . The High Court has been asked for the first time to establish the precise meaning of the provisions of the 1988 Private Television... |
IRIS 1999-8:1/15 [ES] Approval of New Provisions on Digital Audio Broadcasting | |
On 23 July 1999 the Spanish Government approved a Decree on the National Technical Plan on Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), in order to establish DAB services in Spain. A Ministerial Order on the provision of DAB services was approved on the same day. The legal basis of these provisions is the Forty-fourth Additional Provision of Law 66/1997 of 30 December 1997, which refers to the possible introduction of new digital terrestrial radio and digital terrestrial television services. DAB will not substitute for the existing analogue radio services so there is no `switch-off' date. The Decree on the... |