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IRIS 2019-6:1/10 [ES] Decision concerning information neutrality during election campaigns

On 25 April 2019, a decision from the Junta Electoral Central (Central Electoral Commission - JEC) upheld an action brought by Ciutadans-Partido de la Ciudadanía against a decision of the Junta Electoral Provincial de Barcelona (Barcelona Electoral Commission - JEPB) of 15 April 2019, rejecting its complaint lodged against the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation - CCMA), for the broadcast of the programme 'Sense Ficció: Un procés dins el procés' on TV3 on 9 April 2019. According to Article 66.1 of the Ley Orgánica del régimen electoral general (Representation...

IRIS 2019-5:1/12 [ES] Amendment to the Spanish Intellectual Property Law

The Spanish BOE (Official Gazette) published Law 2/2019 of March 1, amending the Intellectual Property Law and implementing the following EU directives into Spanish law: EU Directive 2014/26/ on the collective management of copyright and related rights, and the granting of multi-territorial licences of rights in musical works, and EU Directive 2017/1564 on certain permitted uses of certain works protected by copyright and related rights and other benefits in favour of blind people, people with visual impairment or people with other difficulties in accessing printed texts. The criteria followed...

IRIS 2019-5:1/11 [ES] Decisions concerning information neutrality during election campaigns

On 27 March 2019, two separate decisions from the Junta Electoral Central (Central Electoral Commission - JEC) and from the Junta Electoral Provincial de Barcelona (Barcelona Electoral Commission - JEPB) ruled that the public service Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation - CCMA) had infringed the legislation concerning media and elections. According to the Ley Orgánica del régimen electoral general (Representation of the People Institutional Act - LOREG), which regulates the use of mass media for electoral campaigning, the Electoral Administration has...

IRIS 2019-5:1/10 [ES] Spanish Court shuts down “stream-ripping” websites

A recent judicial order issued by the Juzgado de lo Mercantil (Commercial Court) nº 11 of Barcelona has ordered that seven “stream-ripping” websites be shut down. The judicial order was requested by the Asociación de Gestión de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual (AGEDI). The judicial order was issued three months after the lawsuit was filed by AGEDI. The Commercial Court ordered precautionary measures preventing access from Spain to seven “stream-ripping” websites. The websites in question are,,,,,, and Under the order,...

IRIS 2019-5:1/9 [ES] Constitutional Court of Spain rules out the use of hidden cameras for journalistic purposes

On 25 February 2019, the Constitutional Court of Spain ruled out, in a judgement, the use of hidden cameras for journalistic purposes. The Constitutional Court ruled that “the Constitution does not permit the use of hidden cameras for journalistic purposes as it constitutes a serious illegitimate interference with the fundamental rights to privacy and to one’s own image”. The judgement of the First Chamber partially upheld the appeal for constitutional protection brought by an individual who considered that journalists of a television channel had violated his rights to privacy, own image and honour...