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IRIS 1995-1:1/42 [DE] Hearing on "Television without Frontiers" Directive

On 8th November, 1994 the Federal Constitutional Court ( Bundesverfassungsgericht) held a Hearing on the constitutional applicability of the European Television Directive of 1989. A ruling on this is expected at the beginning of this year. The case is especially important in the light of the expected revision of this Directive. In this case, known as the Federal Länder Lawsuit (Az 2 BvG 1/89), Bavaria and 7 other Länder are protesting against interference in their legal responsibility towards radio broadcasting. In April 1989, Bavaria had already tried to stop Bonn's participation in voting the...

IRIS 1995-1:1/41 [DE] Private Broadcasters Propose Rules to Prevent Dominant Opinion-forming Positions

On 28 November 1994, the vice-president of the German organisation of private broadcasters: `Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation e.V. (VPRT)`, sent a position paper to the Prime Ministers of the German Länder in which it proposes a method of preventing the establishment of dominant opinion-forming positions in the media sector. According to the VPRT the relevant market to be taken into account is the German market of Federation-wide television programmes. Within this market maximum audience share of 33% is proposed as the upper limit of the market share a single media company may have....

IRIS 1995-1:1/24 [DE] Amendments Made to Press Legislation in Saarland Now the Object of Two Constitutional Appeals.

On 11 May 1994 the local government of Saarland passed an Act to amend press legislation and broadcasting laws in their region. The Act was, however, a greatly toned down version of the original Bill. The aim of the amendment was to create a greater balance between the media and those concerned by giving them the right to reply as a means of protecting their private life, as defined under constitutional law, against media attacks. Under press legislation, such reply statements should be printed in an equivalent place on the same page as the first publication, using the same font and layout and...

IRIS 1995-1:1/23 [DE] Protection of Young People and Sponsoring - Amendments to the Inter- Länder Treaty on Broadcasting and the Inter-Länder Treaty on the ZDF

On 1st August 1994 the amendments made to the InterLänder Treaty on Broadcasting and the InterLänder Treaty on the ZDF came into force. The provisions for the protection of young people have been changed in both treaties. In addition, the provisions for sponsorship in the InterLänder Treaty on Broadcasting were also slackened. The changes made in the field of protection of young people ensure, among other things, the appointment of a Head of protection of young people in ARD and ZDF and all private national stations. These people will be expected to come together regularly to ensure a regular...