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IRIS 1996-4:1/10 [DE] Product placement in films - Federal Court sets the rules

In a judgment given on 6 July 1995, the Federal Court ruled that product placement in cinema films is permissible, provided that the audience is made aware of it beforehand, and at latest in the opening credits. The judgment concerns the film, Feuer, Eis und Dynamit , which tells the story of an eccentric millionaire and features a number of sports events. The teams appearing are company teams, and the names and symbols of the companies concerned are displayed on their clothing, equipment and other items (e.g. skis, bicycles, beverages). At least a fifth of the film's production costs were covered...

IRIS 1996-3:1/19 [DE] Agreement on Broadcasting between the Federal States in United Germany, amended for second time

The agreement amending the Agreement on Broadcasting between the Federal States in United Germany, signed by the Presidents of the Länder (the federal states) on 22 June 1995, took effect on 1 January 1996. This is the second time that the Agreement of 31 August 1991 on Broadcasting between the Federal States in United Germany, has been amended. Details of the first amendment, covering protection of the young and regulations on sponsorship, were given in IRIS 1995-1: 9. The new amendment applies to paragraph 29 of the Agreement, which deals with the use of funds derived from licence fees for specific...

IRIS 1996-3:1/10 [DE] TV cameras in court - Federal Constitutional Court says no

The Federal Constitutional Court recently refused to make an interim order allowing N-TV, a television news channel, to broadcast live from the courtroom during the trial of Egon Krenz, former East German leader and Party Chairman, on charges which included intentional homicide in connection with the shooting of people trying to escape across the border to West Germany. The presiding judge in the trial court had refused permission under Sections 176 and 169 of the Courts Act (Section 169, Sub-section 2 prohibits television coverage of court proceedings). N-TV appealed this decision to the Federal...

IRIS 1996-2:1/26 [DE] Agreement reached on new Telecommunications Act

On 9 November 1995, political agreement was reached on a general approach to the regulation of telecommunications in Germany, when monopolies are abolished on 1 January 1998. This marks a significant contribution towards speeding up the procedure for adoption of the new Telecommunications Act (TKG). The new Act is designed to ensure that, during the transition from monopoly to competition, market newcomers are given ample opportunities to exert their influence, and dominant service providers prevented from abusing their power. The intention is to allow viable competition to develop. There will,...

IRIS 1996-2:1/25 [DE] Deutsche Telekom blocks access to nazi propaganda on the Internet

Deutsche Telekom AG's online service has blocked access to a specific WWW address on the Internet. This address belongs to an online-provider operating from Santa-Cruz in Canada. In addition to information on a woman singer and a club, material provided by a Canadian-German neo-nazi in Toronto is available from this address. Deutsche Telekom AG considers that this material constitutes incitement to hatred within the meaning of Article 130 of the Criminal Code. The standard terms and conditions of T-Online and the Telecommunications Decree (TKV) offer no explicit means of preventing the dissemination...