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IRIS 1996-6:1/25 [DE] ARD lodges complaint against private television broadcaster PRO SIEBEN on contravention of regulations on advertising time

The regional broadcasting corporations grouped together in ARD have jointly lodged a complaint against the private television broadcaster PRO SIEBEN with the Regional Court in Stuttgart because the broadcaster regularly contravenes the regulation on advertising time contained in paragraph 4 of the Agreement between the Federal States on broadcasting in united Germany (RfStV) when broadcasting films. Under this provision, films and television films other than series, light entertainment and documentaries, and lasting more than 45 minutes may only be interrupted once in any one complete 45-minute...

IRIS 1996-6:1/16 [DE] Judgment on Telekom's duty to act as intermediary in respect of telephone-sex suppliers

In a recently published decision of 8.12.1995, the Court of Appeal in Düsseldorf dismissed the claim of a telephone-sex supplier against Deutsche Telekom concerning the provision of a connection to foreign telecommunications companies using direct dialling. The judgment was made in a case brought by the operator of a so-called "telephone contact service", which supplied two different types of erotic contacts. In both cases a foreign telecommunications company was involved in providing the connection between the client in Germany and the relevant service company. For providing the connection,...

IRIS 1996-6:1/6 [DE] Framework for a federal "Act on Information and Communication Services"

On 02.05.1996 the Minister of Training, Science, Research and Technology, Jürgen Rüttgers, presented the foundations for the legislation on information and communication services. According to these, the Act is to include broader forms of interactive individual communication, various forms of switching between individual and mass communication, and electronic press services. It is intended to lay down outline conditions for the new information and communications technologies, thereby creating optimum conditions for standardised development. Regulations to liberalise the various media markets,...

IRIS 1996-6:1/5 [DE] Publication of a Bill on transactions handled electronically

Increasingly, transactions are being handled electronically, not least because of the so-called "new media". Declarations of intention are being transmitted more and more frequently by electronic media. In certain areas of transactions the application of modern communications techniques has in fact become inescapable (eg tele-banking, on-line messages, tele-shopping, video-on-demand). Having acknowledged the existence of an electronic form of declaration of intention, it is necessary to create a secure legal framework. For this purpose the Federal Law Society has published a bill aimed at adapting...

IRIS 1996-5:1/18 [DE] Television rights for football sold to private television broadcaster

The League Committee of the German Football Federation (DFB) has sold the contract with the international sport rights agency ISPR, which has links with the private television transmitter SAT.1, for initial broadcasting rights for federal league football matches until mid-2000 for the sum of approximately DEM 540 million. At the same time, the pay-TV transmitter PREMIERE has acquired broadcasting rights for live coverage up to June 1998. A more lucrative offer from a bidding consortium consisting of ARD/ZDF and RTL was turned down. The exclusive sale of television rights for football to the private...