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IRIS 1996-8:1/5 [DE] Information and communication services - new law on the way

As already reported in IRIS 1996-6: 5, the German Federal Government is preparing a multimedia Act to regulate information and communication services. It has now produced a ministry draft of an Information and Communication Services Act ( Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste-Gesetz - IuKDG) (28.06.96). Within the Federation's powers in the matter of economic and telecommunications policy, the Act sets out to establish a regulatory instrument which takes the form of a Statute (als Artikelgesetz konzipiertes Regelungswerk) uniform, clear and reliable framework regulations for the multimedia field....

IRIS 1996-7:1/32 RECTIFICATION: Wrong listing of when States became Party to the Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite (IRIS 1996-5: 8)

In IRIS 1996-5: 7-10 we published an overview of the state of Signatures and Ratifications of European Conventions and other international treaties that are relevant to the audiovisual sector. The listing of when States became Party to the Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite (printed on page 8) is, however, not correct. Accidentily it reproduces the dates on which States became Party to the Berne Convention for the protection of copyright of literary and artistic works (as printed on page 7). The correct date on which States became Party...

IRIS 1996-7:1/27 [DE] Way open to national media services agreement

The Land Presidents have reached agreement with Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the division of responsibilities for legislating on the multi-media. The Länder will conclude a national agreement on media services, which is to take efect on 1 January 1997. This is intended to ensure that economic development of this sector can proceed with the necessary legal and planning security. The agreement will cover a graded regulating system for media services intended for the general public which do not require licensing or prior notification. It will also guarantee free access to the transmission channels....

IRIS 1996-7:1/26 [DE] Agreement between the Länder on Broadcasting now available in five languages

The complete text of the Inter-State Agreement on Broadcasting, an agreement between the German Länder (federal states) on broadcasting, incorporating the first amendments of 24 June 1991, is now available from the Observatory in five languages: German, English, French, Spanish and Russian. The text is accompanied by an introduction on broadcasting law in Germany.

IRIS 1996-7:1/17 [DE] End of debate on Telecommunications Bill

In IRIS 1996-2, p.14, we reported that there was political agreement on a new Telecommunications Act. On 27 June 1996 the Bundestag adopted the Telecommunications Bill. The Bundesrat was expected to approve it on 5 July. The Act can then be brought into force. The Act comes after some debate, in which it was eventually possible to clarify the questions which still remained and reach an agreement with the somewhat divergent position of the Bundesrat. The Media Committee of the Bundesrat and the Bundestag finally reached agreement on 14 June. The vocal and network monopoly of Deutsche Telekom AG...