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IRIS 1996-9:1/27 [DE] INFOSAT publication of the right of reception

In IRIS 1996-7: 15, IRIS reported on a recent publication on the freedom of reception under French and European law. Now we can report that in the September issue of the German language magazine INFOSAT, an article was published on the freedom of reception in Germany. The article is based on a decision of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) of 9 February 1994 (1 BvR 1687/92, see : NJW 1994 Heft 17) on the right of a foreign inhabitant to receive broadcasts from his native country and focusses on the right of reception of tenants vis à vis owners.

IRIS 1996-9:1/26 [DE] First indexing of material on the Internet which could pervert the young

other texts are available yet. On a motion from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Federal Board of Examiners for Literature Likely to Pervert Young Persons has, for the first time, placed Internet material on the index of literature tending to pervert the young. This Internet material concerns several WWW pages issued by a neo-Nazi based in Canada, the contents of which glorify violence and deny National Socialist crimes. The Federal Ministry regards this as infringing the provisions of the Criminal Code, in particular Article 131 of the Criminal Code...

IRIS 1996-9:1/8 [GB] The development of the Information Society - An international analysis

The report The Development of the Information Society: an International Analysis is the result of a pilot study to determine how to measure the UK's progress towards the information society. It was commissioned from Spectrum Strategy Consultants as part of the Department of Trade and Industry's Information Society Initiative (ISI). The consultants analysed the performance of the UK, five other G7 countries (USA, Canada, Japan, France and Germany) and three countries selected because of their pioneering activities within the context of the Information Society (Australia, Sweden and Singapore). According...

IRIS 1996-8:1/21 [DE] Third Agreement between the Federal States passed amending Agreements between the Federal States on broadcasting

On 29.07.1996 the Minister Presidents of the Federal States (the Länder) passed the Third Agreement between the Federal States amending Agreements between the Federal States on broadcasting; this will come into force on 01.01.1997. Important features in the new regulations include provisions to ensure diversity of opinion in private broadcasting, and extended broadcasting content for satellite channels in public service broadcasting. §26 of the Agreement on Broadcasting ( Rundfunkstaatsvertrag - RfStV) regulates the viewer market share model for private television operators; this replaces the...

IRIS 1996-8:1/6 [DE] DAB comes to the Saarland

On 11 July 1996, the Saarland Broadcasting Authority (LAR), Deutsche Telekom and the Saarland Prime Minister's Office concluded an outline agreement on the investigation and testing of Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) as part of the Saarland's multimedia project. In addition to using digital technology for broadcasting, the project will centre on testing and introducing data broadcasting and other additional services (radio-related and other data services), which will be made available by the participating broadcasters and other providers. Possibilities of co-ordinating blocks and exchanging programmes...