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IRIS 1997-9:1/11 [DE] Administrative Court Holds Telekom Responsible for Determining Frequencies Available for Cable

In its decision on 12 August 1997 the Administrative Court in Berlin has upheld the suspensive effect of a complaint by Telekom against a decision of the Berlin-Brandenburg media authority (MABB). In its decision, made enforceable Telekom forthwith, the MABB had stated that two channels kept free by for broadcasting digital programmes on broad-band cable were available for the retransmission of analogue television programmes and informed a number of providers of this (see IRIS 1997-3: 14). After its summary investigation ordered as part of the urgent proceedings, the Court has now ruled in favour...

IRIS 1997-9:1/8 [DE] Advertising and News Magazine's - How Far Can They Go?

In two appeal judgements given at the end of April, the Federal Court in Karlsruhe ruled that publication of lists of "top professionals" by news magazines constituted unfair competition, thus upholding the judgements previously given by the Munich Court of Appeal. The magazine, "Focus", had run a series of articles on doctors and lawyers in Germany and had used criteria such as "reputation among colleagues" and "membership of expert bodies" to produce lists of the "500 best doctors" and "500 best lawyers". The court saw this as harmful to other members of these professions, since claims that...

IRIS 1997-8:1/16 [DE] Information and Communications Services Act and Agreement between the Federal States on Media Services Come into Force

In IRIS 1997-2: 10 we reported on the legislative procedure of the Information and Communications Services Act (Informations- und Kommunikationsdienstegesetz - IuKDG) and on the Agreement between the Federal States on Media Services (Medienstaatsvertrag). Both became effective on 1 August 1997. This gives Germany uniform framework conditions for the use of various electronic information and communications services. While the Agreement between the Federal States on Media Services, which is the legislative responsibility of the Länder, settles matters concerning media services with broadcasting...

IRIS 1997-8:1/5 [DE] No Licence Fee for Use of Internet

Representatives of ARD and ZDF have agreed with a working group of broadcasting experts from the Länder that no fee should be levied for the time being on personal computers with Internet connection. The public service broadcasters had been pressing for such a fee because broadcasting programmes can also be received partly via Internet connections. ARD had suggested applying a pro rata reduction to the fee for using PCs to receive broadcasts via the Internet in a business context. The group of experts has now reached agreement with ARD and ZDF against charging PCs with an Internet connection...

IRIS 1997-8:1/4 [DE] Self-regulation Set up for Multimedia

On 9 July the "Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Multimedia service providers" (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e.V. - FSM) was set up in Bonn. The FSM is to represent organisations and companies in the multimedia sector in their purpose to protect the valid interests of users and the public, particularly as regards racial discrimination and oppression, and to reinforce the protection of young people on a self-responsible basis. Both the new federal "Multimedia Act" and the "Multimedia Agreement" between the Länder (Information and Communications Services Act...