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IRIS 1997-10:1/30 [DE] Guideline on Broadcasting Time for third Parties not Approved

The provisional common guideline of the regional media authorities on broadcasting time for independent third parties in accordance with Section 31 of the Agreement between the Federal States on Broadcasting (RfStV), agreed by the Conference of Directors of the Regional Media Authorities in January (see IRIS 1997-3: 13 and IRIS 1997-2: 13), has not received the necessary approval of all the supervisory bodies of the regional media authorities. The Broadcasting Commission of the North Rhine-Westphalia Broadcasting Authority rejected the regulations contained in the guideline, pointing out that they...

IRIS 1997-10:1/29 [DE] Regional Media Authorities Prohibit Federal Government's “Euro” advertisement

The regional media authorities have announced that an advertisement for the "Euro" (a single European currency) produced by the Federal Government in conjunction with the European Parliament and the European Commission is not permissible as it exceeds the limits for political advertising. The private German broadcasting companies Pro Sieben and Kabel 1 had submitted two advertisements on the euro to the relevant working party on advertising at the regional media authorities to check whether they were admissible at law. One of the two was declared inadmissible as it exceeded the limits for political...

IRIS 1997-9:1/24 [DE] Private Television Stations Object to Sub-programmes on Public Channels

On 27 May 1997, the Association of Private Broadcasting and Telecommunications Operators (VPRT) submitted a complaint to the European Commission in Brussels, alleging "serious breaches of European Community law". The VPRT sees these breaches in the fact that the sub-programmes, "Kinderkanal" and "Phoenix", organised by the public channels, ARD and ZDF , are financed from licence fees, although they cannot be regarded as forming part of basic programme provision. Among other things, the association claims that funding these programmes from licence fees violates the regulations on competition contained...

IRIS 1997-9:1/23 [DE] Discussion on Measures for the Protection of Young People in Respect of Television

In a decision on 18 September 1997 the board of the Hamburg regional media authority (Hamburgische Landesmedienanstalt - HAM) prohibited the pay-TV broadcaster Premiere from broadcasting five allegedly pornographic films on the grounds of infringement of Section 3, paragraph 1, point 4 of the Agreement between the federal States on Broadcasting (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag - RFStV). In doing so, the HAM feels it has achieved its aim to stop Premiere broadcasting any more films which contradict the ban on pornography. The company broadcast a number of films of this type in January and February 1997....

IRIS 1997-9:1/17 [DE] New Forms of Advertising for Televised Sports Broadcasts

The Bavarian regional office for new media (Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien - BLM) has decided, after a pilot test, that the new forms of advertising on German sport television (Deutsche Sportfernsehen - DSF) are not permissible. DSF, which broadcasts under a licence from the Bavarian media authority, broadcast a sports programme entitled " Auf Schalke - Das Veltins Bundesligamagazin" ; during the programme results were faded in with the phrase " Clausthaler online presents". The media authority holds that the presence of the sponsor Veltins Brewery in the Schalke football magazine does...