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IRIS 1998-7:1/28 [DE] Mixed Reactions for First Position Paper on Differences between Broadcasting and Media Services

The first position paper on the Länder Media Authorities' Landesmedienanstalten powers in the border area between broadcasting and media services and on the differences between the two, adopted by the Directors of the Landesmedienanstalten on 16 December 1997, was the subject of a hearing in Düsseldorf on 27 April 1998, at which representatives of the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers ( BDZV), the Association of Private Broadcasting and Telecommunication Service Operators ( VPRT), the Association of Private Network Operators, the Satellite and Cable Communications Association (...

IRIS 1998-7:1/7 [DE] Federal Court jumps the gun in applying EC Directive on comparative advertising

In a decision given at the beginning of February this year, the Federal Court ( Bundesgerichtshof - BGH) abandoned its previous position that comparative advertising violated Section 1 of the Unfair Competition Act ( Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb - UWG) and was thus on principal unlawful (see IRIS 1998-3:3). In reaching its decision, it relied on Directive 97/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 October 1997, amending Directive 84/450/EEC concerning misleading advertising ( see IRIS 1997-10: 4), so as to include comparative advertising - and did so before the time allowed...

IRIS 1998-7:1/2 [DE] Internet advertising - not for lawyers, says court

On 20 May 1998, the Nuremberg-Fürth Regional Court upheld an earlier decision of 18 February 1998, forbidding a lawyer to advertise his services with the help of an Internet guest-book. This judgment refers to a lawyer with a homepage guest-book, on which anyone can enter information, which is then open to inspection by all other users. The lawyer concerned claims that he does not use his guest-book to advertise. It does not serve to collect commissions and addresses, but as a means of communication, like letters, telephone or fax. He also points out that, under the professional rules applying...

IRIS 1998-7:1/1 [DE] Berlin court rules on e-mail advertising

In December 1997, the Traunstein Regional Court set a precedent by prohibiting the sending of unsolicited e-mail advertising via the Internet, and the Regional Court in Berlin has now given two decisions which follow the same line. For a long time already, the courts have consistently upheld that the sending of unsolicited advertising matter and prospectuses by fax violates Section 1 of the Unfair Competition Act ( Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb - UWG) and also Article 823 I of the Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - BGB), when the recipient has not consented or his consent cannot be...

IRIS 1998-6:1/29 [DE] Federal Republic Adopts EU Commission's Green Paper on Convergence

In a joint position of the Federal Republic and the Länder passed on to the Commission, the Federal Republic of Germany basically welcomes the initiative of the European Commission in tabling a Green Paper on "convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technology sectors and its regulatory implications". It is stressed that the purpose of the Green Paper is to trigger an essential discussion procedure at European level, as convergence - as an important phenomenon of the information society - can open up prospects for diversity of opinion, plurality and more competition and, as...