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IRIS 2000-9:1/10 [DE] Bremen Cable Allocation Monopoly Dispute Resolved

In a judgement of 28 August 2000, the Bundesverwaltungsgericht (Federal Administrative Court - BVerwG) dismissed complaints against the decision taken by the Oberverwaltungsgericht der Freien Hansestadt Bremen (Bremen Higher Administrative Court - OVG) on 14 September 1999, in which it decided not to revise cable allocation regulations in Bremen. The Bremen OVG had upheld the regulations and practice of cable allocation in Bremen after a complaint was lodged by a private cable network operator (see IRIS 2000-1: 9). The BVerwG based its decision primarily on the fact that the complaints did not...

IRIS 2000-9:1/8 European Commission: German Regulations on the Issue of Terrestrial Radio Licences under Investigation

On 12 September 2000 the Commission of the European Communities sent to the Federal Republic of Germany a reasoned opinion concerning discrimination in the issue of broadcasting licences in Rheinland-Pfalz. On 17 August 1999 the Commission had drawn up a letter of complaint on this subject, to which the Federal Republic of Germany had replied on 8 October 1999. The case concerned the granting of the third regional terrestrial radio licence to broadcaster Rockland Radio, which is partly owned by the holder of the other two licences, RPR. One company which failed to win the licence was Eurostar,...

IRIS 2000-8:1/18 [DE] SAT.1 Increases Involvement with Film Industry

Private TV broadcaster SAT.1 and the Länder (State) of Bremen and Lower Saxony are planning to step up their co-operation in the field of film production. Under an agreement that was largely negotiated at the beginning of August, three films are to be produced over the next three years at an overall cost of up to DEM 9 million, two-thirds of which will be provided by SAT.1 and one-third by the two Länder. The main aim of the agreement is to boost the number of contracts awarded to production companies based in the Länder concerned. An investigation into whether and how regional laws on film subsidies...

IRIS 2000-8:1/11 [DE] Germany: Media Authority Complains about Surreptitious Advertising in Big Brother

The Hessen state authority for commercial broadcasting (LPR Hessen), which is responsible for monitoring the programmes of private broadcaster RTL-2, has complained that an episode of the TV show Big Brother contained illegal surreptitious advertising. On 16 May 2000, an episode of the controversial TV programme Big Brother, in which several volunteers are confined in a building cut off from the outside world and monitored round the clock by cameras and microphones (see IRIS 2000-3: 7), showed these people building a model railway. The manufacturer's name, which appeared in unusually large characters...

IRIS 2000-8:1/10 [DE] Media Authority Bans Right-Wing Extremist Programmes

On 3 July 2000, a user of the Offener Kanal Berlin (Berlin Open Channel) was permanently banned from using the channel by the Media Council of the Berlin-Brandenburg Media Authority (MABB) after repeatedly using it to disseminate right-wing extremist material. The person concerned was responsible for Radio Germania, which had broadcast a total of fourteen times on the Offener Kanal Berlin since 1996. He had been banned from the channel for one year in 1997 for disseminating material liable to corrupt young people. The Media Council based its decision to ban the broadcaster permanently on Section...