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IRIS 2021-7:1/17 [DE] Injunction claim against future broadcasting of scenes from “Die Auserwählten” rejected

In a decision of 18 May 2021 (case No. VI ZR 441/19), the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Supreme Court – BGH) ruled that the plaintiff was not entitled to an injunction against future broadcasting of scenes from the film “Die Auserwählten” in order to protect his own image rights and dismissed his application. The legal dispute was linked to sexual abuse suffered over a period of several years by the plaintiff, among others, as a pupil at the Odenwaldschule in the 1980s. Since 1998, he had been trying to raise awareness of the abuse through the press and by participating in...

IRIS 2021-7:1/18 [DE] Bundestag adopts revised Film Support Act

On 20 May 2021, the German Bundestag (lower house of parliament) adopted the Gesetz zur Änderung des Filmförderungsgesetzes (Act amending the Film Support Act, doc. 10/27515). This so-called ‘minor amendment’ is designed to provide further guidance on the collection and use of the film levy and to adapt the Act to current pandemic-driven changes to market conditions. At the same time, it places greater focus on ecological aspects of the film production support mechanism. The Filmförderungsgesetz (Film Support Act – FFG) regulates the financial support provided...

IRIS 2021-7:1/19 [DE] Price increase clause in Netflix terms and conditions is unlawful

In a decision of 15 April 2021, the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Supreme Court – BGH) rejected a complaint from Netflix about a court’s refusal to hear its appeal against a lower-instance decision concerning the general terms and conditions of the video-on-demand service and certain advertising practices in Germany. As a result, the previous ruling of the Berliner Kammergericht (Berlin Court of Appeal) of 20 December 2019 (5 U24/19) became final, forcing Netflix, among other things, to amend the clause in its terms and conditions regarding price increases which, at least where its service...

IRIS 2021-6:1/26 [DE] State media authorities issue further rules on state media treaty

The 14 German Landesmedienanstalten (state media authorities) have jointly drafted further rules to implement the provisions of the new Medienstaatsvertrag (state media treaty – MStV). The boards of the individual media regulators are now gradually approving these rules, clearing the way for them to enter into force. Following the entry into force of an initial series of rules designed to implement the MStV’s provisions on exemption from prior authorisation, advertising and competition (see IRIS 2021-4/12), the latest rules concern, among other things, European productions (Article...

IRIS 2021-6:1/27 [DE] Advertising industry adopts new code of conduct and strengthens youth protection

On 12 April 2021, the Zentralverband der deutschen Werbewirtschaft (German Advertising Federation – ZAW) presented a revised version of the code of conduct on commercial communication for foods and beverages, which will enter into force on 1 June 2021. These self-regulatory rules apply to commercial communication such as advertising on TV, radio, posters and in magazines, as well as Internet and social media advertising, cooperation with influencers, and advertising on social networks and video platforms. Under the revised version of the Verhaltensregeln des Deutschen Werberats über...