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IRIS 2005-3:1/4 European Commission: ISH / IESY Merger Referred to Federal Cartels Office

On 15 February 2005, the European Commission referred the examination of the proposed acquisition of ISH GmbH & Co. KG and ISH KS NRW GmbH & Co. KG by Iesy Repository GmbH, which is itself owned by American firm Apollo Management V, lL.P. to the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartels Office). The Cartels Office had requested that the merger be referred to it, since both companies operate solely in the German market. It must now investigate whether the merger will affect competition in the German cable TV market.

IRIS 2005-2:1/17 [DE / ZA] Film Agreement Signed

An agreement between Germany and South Africa on audio-visual co-productions was signed in Cape Town on 17 November 2004. The purpose of the agreement is to strengthen the film industry in both countries and promote economic and cultural exchange through film co-production. The agreement defines the term "audio-visual co-production" and names the bodies responsible for its implementation. Films produced under the agreement qualify as national films and are entitled to all state aid available to the film and video industry. Producers and all other parties involved must fulfil certain conditions...

IRIS 2005-2:1/16 [DE] Telemedia Law Reforms

The Federal Government and the Länder, who agreed in 1996 to distinguish between tele- and media services, have decided to abolish the distinction in favour of a common regulatory system in order to take into account media convergence. It was announced at the telecommunications day organised by the industry association Bitkom in Berlin on 14 December 2004 that draft reforms of the law on tele- and media services should be put down for discussion in April 2005. They will include the total abolition of the current Mediendienstestaatsvertrag (Inter-State Agreement on Media Services) and its replacement...

IRIS 2005-2:1/15 [DE] Amendment of Transmission Time Directive

At their meetings in December 2004, the Landeszentrale für private Rundfunkveranstalter Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Office for Private Broadcasters - LPR) and the Media Council of the Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (Bavarian New Media Office - BLM) approved the amendment of the Drittsendezeitrichtlinie (Third-Party Transmission Time Directive - DSZR). The DSZR regulates the conditions under which the private TV broadcasters SAT 1 and RTL must make transmission time available to independent third parties. The amendment concerns the provisions for regional programmes...

IRIS 2005-2:1/14 [DE] MTV "Freak Show" Harmful to Minors

In a ruling of 4 November 2004, the Bayerische Verwaltungsgericht München (Bavarian Administrative Court, Munich - BayVG) annulled most of the provisions of a decision of the Bayerische Landeszentrale für Neue Medien (Bavarian New Media Office - BLM) banning the repeat transmission of six episodes of MTV's "Freak Show". On 28 June 2002, the BLM had banned MTV from showing repeats of these programmes, which had already been broadcast, and declared the decision immediately enforceable. MTV's request to the BayVG to delay the enforceability of the decision was granted because the Court did not believe...