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IRIS 2005-5:1/9 [DE] New Youth Protection Guidelines

On 25 February 2005, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen (a voluntary self-monitoring body for TV companies - FSF) adopted the final part of the guidelines it has issued on the application of its monitoring system. This part concerns "unlawful programmes". According to the conditions of acceptance, such guidelines must be notified to the Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz (Commission for youth protection in the media - KJM) at least four weeks before their entry into force. This happened on 3 March 2005, which meant that the guidelines could enter into force on 4 April 2005. The guidelines are...

IRIS 2005-4:1/12 [DE] Opinion on GATS and Cultural Policy and Subsidies

Against the background of work on an international standard-setting instrument on cultural diversity, the German Commission for UNESCO has obtained a legal opinion on the impact of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) on German cultural policy. The opinion begins by outlining the structure of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the GATS and goes on to consider the compatibility of various state support measures - such as fees and charges imposed under public law, quotas for film or broadcasting or the system of social security for self-employed artists - with the GATS rules. Also...

IRIS 2005-4:1/11 [DE] Press Code Extended

The German Press Council, meeting in plenary session on 2 March 2005, voted to incorporate into the Press Code a ban on discrimination on grounds of disability. Thus Article 12 of the Press Code now reads: "There must be no discrimination against anyone on grounds of sex, disability, race, ethnic background, religion, social group or nationality.“ The Press Council decision came in response to pressure from associations representing people with disabilities and concerned individuals who had mounted a campaign entitled "Initiative 12" to have the Press Code amended. The stipulation on equal treatment...

IRIS 2005-4:1/10 [DE] Interstate Broadcasting Agreement Amended

A "yes" vote by the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg on 16 March 2005 signals completion of the process of ratification of the Eighth Agreement Amending the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (8 RfÄStV) by the German Bundesländer. The amendments affect the Interstate Agreements on Broadcasting; Television and Radio Licence Fees; Funding; the ARD; the ZDF; Deutschlandradio; Media Services; and the Protection of Young Persons in the Media. Completion of the ratification process means they can take effect as planned from 1 April 2005. The new Amending Agreement also transposes Directive 2002/22/EC...

IRIS 2005-3:1/34 [DE / NZ] Co-production Agreement Signed

New Zealand and Germany signed a joint film agreement in Wellington on 9 February 2005. A committee including representatives of the film, TV and video industries will be set up to implement the agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to promote economic and cultural co-operation between the two countries. Provided they meet certain conditions, joint productions involving German and New Zealand film-makers will be treated as national productions in both countries. This means that financial support can also be claimed in both countries.