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IRIS 2006-7:1/9 European Commission: Hessen’s Film Subsidies Approved

On 7 June 2006 the European Commission approved the EUR 20 million film subsidies programme of the Hessian government - the biggest in the Land’s history. Until 2009, using the Film Financing Fund Hessen-Invest - a citizens’ programme of the Land Hessen - EUR 5 million of soft loans will be allocated on an annual basis for financing film productions. The main focus is to be on small and medium sized companies in the film industry. In this way the Land of Hessen wishes to invest in projects which are likely to be an economic success. Decisions on financing are taken with due regard to risk estimates...

IRIS 2006-7:1/4 Court of Justice of the European Communities: Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-380/03 (Tobacco Advertising Directive)

Advocate General Léger has argued in his closing submissions that the claim lodged by Germany against the Directive on advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products in media other than television (2003/33/EC) should be dismissed (Case C-380/03) (see IRIS 2005-7: 10). Germany had already challenged a previous, similarly entitled Directive of 6 July 1998 (98/43/EC) in the ECJ on the grounds that its legal basis was incorrect (Case C-367/98) and had succeeded in having it completely annulled. In September 2003 Germany made a fresh application for annulment of the follow-up Tobacco Advertising Directive...

IRIS 2006-6:1/17 [DE] Discussion on Funding of Public Service Broadcasters Continues

In a letter dated 27 April 2006, the German Federal Government issued its response to the request for further information about the financing and remit of public service broadcasters (doc. E 3/2005) sent by the Competition Directorate-General of the European Commission on 10 February 2006. The Federal Government agreed the content of the document with the Bundesländer , who are responsible for broadcasting and could access information from ARD, ZDF and DeutschlandRadio . It stressed that, in its reply to the previous request for information sent on 6 May 2005, it had already answered a series of...

IRIS 2006-6:1/16 [DE] Green Light for RTL Group's Takeover of News Channel n-tv

On 12 April 2006, the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartels Office) decided to allow RTL Television GmbH Deutschland (RTL)to acquire sole ownership of news channel n-tv Nachrichtenfernsehen GmbH & Co. KG (n-tv). In February, the Bundeskartellamt had expressed reservations about the planned takeover on the grounds that it would protect and strengthen the collective dominant market position held by the Luxembourg-based RTL Group and ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG in the television advertising market. According to the Cartels Office President, this threat to competition remains. However, investigations had shown...

IRIS 2006-6:1/15 [DE] Networks Office Opens Consultation on Market No. 18

On 22 February 2006, the Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Networks Office - BNetzA) published a draft market definition and analysis for broadcasting transmission services (Market no. 18 in the Commission Recommendation). The BNetzA is responsible for regulating the electricity, gas, telecommunications, postal and railway networks. In Recommendation 2003/311/EC on relevant product and service markets within the electronic communications sector liable for ex ante regulation, the European Commission had recommended that the national regulatory authorities analyse the identification of various markets,...