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IRIS 2007-1:1/14 [DE] ProSiebenSat.1 Abandons Encryption Plans After Cartel Office Decision

ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG originally intended, along with the RTL broadcasting group and satellite operator SES Astra, to introduce encrypted digital television on the basis of a subscription-based business model. Satellite operator SES Astra is planning to build a new digital platform (called Entavio) for German television broadcasters. Providers will then be able to encrypt their TV channels via this platform. Viewers will have to pay a monthly fee of EUR 3.50 in order to watch the encoded programmes. The Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartels Office) had examined these plans in terms of their conformity...

IRIS 2007-1:1/13 [DE] Broadcasters Agree on Standard EPGs

In a joint statement issued on 23 October 2006 by public service television broadcasters ARD and ZDF and the Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien (Association of private broadcasters and telemedia - VPRT e.V.), private and public service broadcasters agreed on common basic standards for non-discriminatory electronic programme guides (so-called EPGs) for television and radio. EPGs are defined as systems which guide the selection of television channels and are used as an overriding user interface to navigate through and select all services available through the system. The agreement is aimed...

IRIS 2007-1:1/12 [DE] Federal Network Agency Checks BWA Frequency Applicants

The Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency - BNetzA) is currently checking the credentials of applicants for broadband wireless access frequencies. These frequencies can be used for Internet access, for example, via broadcasting technologies such as WiMAX (WiMAX-Forum) or HiperMAN (ETSI). On 26 September 2006, the Presidential Chamber of the BNetzA decided to allocate the frequencies as part of a central auction in accordance with Art. 61 paras 4 and 5 of the Telekommunkationsgesetz (Telecommunications Act - TKG). The right to participate in the auction process for four frequency packages between...

IRIS 2007-1:1/11 [DE] Broadcasting Fee for New Devices Enters Into Force

On 19 October 2006, the Minister-Presidents of the Länder decided that, from 1 January 2007, new types of broadcasting receivers (such as Internet PCs) should no longer be exempt from the licence fee, as provided in the 7. Rundfunkänderungsstaatsvertrag (7th Amendment to the Inter-State Broadcasting Agreement) of 2003 (see IRIS 2006-9: 8). However, for such modern multi-functional devices which can (also) be used to receive broadcast programmes, the so-called "second device rule" will apply. This means that no fee is due if the owner already pays the charge for another device. The exact circumstances...

IRIS 2007-1:1/10 [DE] Bundestag Bans Tobacco Advertising

On 9 November 2006, the Bundestag adopted a bill banning tobacco advertising. The law is meant to transpose Directive 2003/33/EC on the advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products in media other than television. Under the new Act, tobacco advertising will be prohibited not only on television and radio, but also in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. Sponsorship by tobacco manufacturers will also be restricted. Despite the deadline of 31 July 2005, Germany has still not transposed the Directive into domestic law; in fact, it complained to the Court of Justice of the European Communities...