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IRIS 2008-5:1/10 [DE] KJM Demands Fine Against "DSDS"

At its meeting on 19 February 2008, the Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz der Landesmedienanstalten (Commission for Protection of Youth in the Media - KJM) demanded that a fine of EUR 100,000 be imposed upon RTL's TV programme "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" ("DSDS") because of repeated infringements of youth protection rules in accordance with Art. 16 no. 8 in connection with Art. 24 para. 3 of the Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrags (Inter-State Agreement on Protection of Youth in the Media - JMStV; see IRIS 2002-9: 15) in connection with Articles 35 ff. of the Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten...

IRIS 2008-5:1/9 [DE] Agreement on Broadcasting Licence Fees

The Minister-Presidents of the Länder agreed to increase broadcasting licence fees for the 2009-2012 period in early March 2008 (see IRIS 2008-2: 10). Based on the proposal of the Kommission zur Ermittlung des Finanzbedarfs der Rundfunkanstalten (Committee for the establishment of broadcasters' financial needs - KEF) and consultations with the Landesmedienanstalten (Land media authorities), the TV licence fee will rise by EUR 0.95 to EUR 17.98. The Land media authorities will again receive a share of the increase. As a result, the essential provisions of the 11. Rundfunkänderungsstaatsvertrag (11th...

IRIS 2008-5:1/8 [DE] Film Support Act Amendment

On 5 March, the Bundesbeauftragte für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Minister for Culture and Media - BKM) tabled a preliminary draft amendment to the Filmförderungsgesetz (Film Support Act – FFG) (see IRIS 2004-1: 10 and IRIS 2003-5: 14). The amendment was drafted following a round table meeting held in December 2007 between representatives of the film industry (associations of producers, cinemas, distributors and authors), Bundestag members, representatives of the Länder , the Filmförderungsanstalt (Film Support Institute) and regional film support bodies, who attended at the invitation...

IRIS 2008-5:1/7 [DE] VG Neustadt Confirms Existence of Surreptitious Advertising in Easter Show

In a ruling of 15 February 2008, the Verwaltungsgericht Neustadt (Neustadt Administrative Court) upheld the decision of the Landeszentrale für Medien und Kommunikation Rheinland Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate State Media and Communications Agency - LMK), according to which the live programme " Jetzt geht’s um die Eier – Die große Promi-Oster-Show ", broadcast on 8 April 2006 on Sat.1, had violated the ban on surreptitious advertising, set out in Art. 1 para. 2 of the Landesmediengesetz (Land media act) in connection with Art. 7 para. 6 sentence 1 of the Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (Inter-State Broadcasting...

IRIS 2008-5:1/6 [DE] Federal Constitutional Court Rules on the Involvement of Political Parties in Private Broadcasting

In a ruling of 12 March 2008, the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court - BVerfG ) explained its position concerning whether, and to what extent, political parties may own shares in private broadcasting companies. As part of judicial review proceedings instigated at the request of 232 members of the Bundestag, the court declared a provision of the Hessian Privatrundfunkgesetz (Private Broadcasting Act - HPRG ) to be unconstitutional. The provision states that broadcasting licences may not be granted to political parties or voter groups, nor to companies and organisations in which...