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IRIS 2022-10:1/19 Public value list published

The Landesmedienanstalten (state media authorities) have published a so-called "public value list", ordered alphanumerically, of media (television, radio and telemedia) that, through their content, significantly contribute to the formation of public opinion. Inclusion in the public value list is meant to represent a special seal of quality for the services concerned. Public-value services were selected on the basis of the criteria set out in Article 84(5)(2) of the Medienstaatsvertrag (state media treaty – MStV), which the media authorities had explained in more detail in a statute...

IRIS 2022-10:1/20 [DE] NLM complains about RTL and CHANNEL21 advertising infringements

In September 2022, the Niedersächsische Landesmedienanstalt (Lower Saxony media authority – NLM), implementing resolutions of the Kommission für Zulassung und Aufsicht (Commission on Licensing and Supervision – ZAK) of the state media authorities, filed complaints concerning a total of three advertising infringements by private television broadcasters: one concerned the RTL channel operated by RTL Television GmbH and two were directed against the teleshopping channel CHANNEL21. Firstly, the Hanover-based authority criticised a split-screen advertisement for a smartphone,...

IRIS 2022-10:1/21 [DE] Broadcasting Commission resolution on the current state of public broadcasting

Following its meeting on 22 September 2022, the Broadcasting Commission of the German Länder published a resolution on the current state of public broadcasting in Germany. The Broadcasting Commission provides a permanent forum for the state and senate chancelleries of the Länder to discuss issues relating to media policy and legislation in and for Germany. In its resolution, the Broadcasting Commission agreed that recent events within individual ARD broadcasting companies, including RBB (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg) following allegations against its former director and the former chair...

IRIS 2022-9:1/19 [DE] Berlin-Brandenburg court rules on obligation to explain broadcast time restrictions

In a decision of 8 August 2022 (case no. OVG 11 N 64.18), the Berlin-Brandenburg Oberverwaltungsgericht (Higher Administrative Court – OVG) ruled that reasons must be provided for a decision restricting the time a programme could be broadcast on account of youth protection infringements. The dispute followed an objection by the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlin-Brandenburg media authority – mabb) against the television broadcaster ProSieben. ProSieben appealed to the courts against the objection and won. In the latest decision, the OVG Berlin-Brandenburg upheld the first-instance...

IRIS 2022-9:1/20 [DE] Cypriot pornographic website ban confirmed

On 7 September 2022 (case nos. 13 B 1911/21, 13 B 1912/21 and 13 B 1913/21), the North-Rhine Westphalia Oberverwaltungsgericht (Higher Administrative Court) prohibited the distribution of pornographic content by two Cypriot website providers. It therefore confirmed first-instance rulings issued by the Verwaltungsgericht Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf Administrative Court) on 30 November 2021 (case no. 27 L 1414/20). The importance of protecting minors was the main factor behind the court’s decision. According to the first-instance rulings, the Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen...