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IRIS 2014-4:1/29 [SK] Contradictory Judgments With Respect to the Accessibility Quotas

On 19 March 2014, the Supreme Court (“Court”) confirmed a decision of the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission of the Slovak Republic (“Council”) in which the Council had imposed a fine of 3,319 Euro on a major commercial TV broadcaster for failing to reach the prescribed quota of the total transmission time for programmes accompanied with open or closed subtitles or accompanied by translation into deaf sign language or broadcast in deaf sign language. This judgment was delivered despite the fact that a different decision of another chamber of the same court from 23 January 2014 exists,...

IRIS 2014-4:1/28 [SK] Legislative Increase of the Assigned Collected Revenues of Regulatory Authority

On 12 December 2013, the Slovak Parliament adopted the Act no. 473/2013 Coll. on the budget of the Slovak Republic for 2014. The Act among other things cut the budget of the Council of Broadcasting and Retransmission (hereinafter “Council”) by 18%. At the same time the Act increased the prescribed revenues of the Council (these form income of the state budget) to EUR 340,000 which represents a 100% increase over the revenues prescribed in year 2013. The revenues of the Council are primarily formed of the fines imposed to the subject of regulation (audiovisual media service providers, cable and...

IRIS 2014-4:1/27 [SK] Council Publishes Commentary on Election Campaigns in Electronic Media

On 15 March 2014 the presidential elections took place in Slovak republic. Therefore at the beginning of February the Council for broadcasting and retransmission of Slovak republic (hereinafter “Council”) published on its website a commentary that summarizes and interprets the relevant legal provisions concerning the election campaign in electronic media. The Council in its paper reminded the media that the broadcasting of any political advertising is prohibited outside the official election campaign time (21 days before election). This ban does not however apply to the broadcaster that broadcasts...

IRIS 2014-3:1/41 [SK] Ministry of Culture Specifies Programme Loudness Regulation

On 1 January 2014, the Decree of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic No. 468/2013 laid down the specific requirements for loudness of programme services. On 22 October 2013, the Slovak Parliament passed an Amendment (No. 373/2013 Coll. to Act. No 308/2000 Coll. on Broadcasting and Retransmission (see IRIS 2014-1/41). Among other things, the Amendment abolished the preceding system of measuring loudness of advertisement compared to the editorial content of the broadcasting. It authorised the Ministry of Culture to issue bylaws that will set the details for a new system compatible with...

IRIS 2014-2:1/35 [SK] New Telecom and Postal Regulatory Authority

On 27 November 2013, the Slovak Parliament passed the Act No. 402/2013 Coll. on the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (hereinafter “Act”). The Act was signed by the President and entered into force on 1 January 2014. The Act merges two preceding regulatory authorities: the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic and the Postal Regulatory Office. The new regulatory authority takes over all competences of the preceding authorities and acts as universal successor of all rights and obligations. The objective of the merge is the lowering of...