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IRIS 2002-7:1/29 [SK] Amendment of the Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission of 2000

In March 2002 the zákon o vysielaní a retransmisii (Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission of 2000) was amended by zákon c. 206/2002 (Act No. 206/2002), which came into force on 8 May 2002. The amendments mainly concern the legal status of the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission as now being entitled to impose fines for breaches of provisions concerning programmes and commercials without a warning only in defined cases: "The Council can impose a fine without prior warning, if the obligation pursuant to Art. 16 letter c) (Breach of the rules covering elections), Art. 19 (Protection of human...

IRIS 2002-4:1/36 [SK] Freedom of Expression and Media in the Constitution

Art. 26 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic of 1 September 1992, which was republished on 26 March 2001 and supplemented by the Act of 11 April 2002, guarantees the freedom of speech and the right to information. Everyone has the right to express his or her opinion in words, writing, print, picture or by other means. Ideas and information may be sought, received and disseminated freely, regardless of the state borders. No approval process is required for press publishing. Activity in the field of radio and television broadcasting may be subject to permission from the State (Art. 26 para....

IRIS 2001-10:1/22 [SK] A Strong Effort to Amend the Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission to Reflect Practice

The responsibilities of the Council for broadcasting and retransmission are determined by the zákon o vysielaní a retransmisii a o zmene zákona o telekomunikáciách (Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission of 2000). The administrative actions accompanying either the granting of licences for radio or television broadcasting or applied in cases where the violation of legal provisions covering content issues are considered must comply with the procedural rules set out by another provision - the zákon o správnom konaní (Act on Administrative Procedure No.71/1967 of Coll.). After nearly one year of applying...

IRIS 2001-7:1/22 [SK] First Amendment to the Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission

On 1 May 2001, the new zákon o reklame a doplnení niektor´ych zákonov (Act on Advertising and on Amendments of Certain Rules) was enacted. It replaces the zákon o reklame v znení neskorsích predpisov (Act on Advertising) of 1996 and it amends for the first time the zákon o vysielaní a retransmisii (Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission) of 2000. The main change is the implementation of the new concept of comparative advertising into the new Act on Advertising of 2001. Comparative advertising was not allowed in the past and the incentive to deal with this type of advertising followed from efforts...

IRIS 2000-9:1/25 [SK] New Broadcasting Act Comes into Force

On 14 September 2000, the Slovak Parliament adopted the "Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission and on Amendments to the Act on Telecommunications No. 195/2000 Collection of Laws ("Coll."). The new Act replaces the Radio and Television Broadcasting Act No. 468/1991 Coll. as amended, the Act on the Council of the Slovak Republic for Radio and Television Broadcasting and on the Change of Act No. 468/1991 Coll. No. 160/1997 Coll. as amended, and § 1 of the Act on Provisions for Radio and Television Broadcasting No. 166/1993 Coll. as amended. The new Act entered into force on the day of promulgation...