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IRIS 2007-1:1/35 [SK] Digital Broadcasting Act

On 22 November 2006 the Digital Broadcasting Act (see IRIS 2006-7: 19) was adopted by the Slovakian Ministry of Culture. It is expected to come into effect as from 3 March 2007. The needs for the Act on Digital Broadcasting to be adopted were the exhaustion of the frequency spectrum, an increased number of people interested in a higher number of TV channels at a higher quality level, the extension of mobile signals, and the tendency to decrease power consumption. The necessity of digital broadcasting is lastly determined by the fact that the development of analogue broadcasting is no longer possible....

IRIS 2007-1:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Case of Klein v. Slovakia

In March 1997, the weekly magazine Domino Efekt published an article written by Martin Klein, a journalist and film critic. In this article, Klein criticised Archbishop Ján Sokol’s televised proposal to halt the distribution of the film “The People v. Larry Flint” and to withdraw the poster advertising it. The article contained slang terms and innuendos with oblique vulgar and sexual connotations, allusions to the Archbishop’s alleged cooperation with the secret police of the former communist regime and an invitation to the members of the Catholic Church to leave...

IRIS 2006-10:1/31 [SK] Promotion of National Films through an Amendment to the Law on Licences

The Slovakian Ministry of Culture intends, by initiating cooperation with Slovakian television (STV), to promote more strongly national film and television production. The plan is to ensure guarantees for joint film productions and also the issue of a new appropriate legal framework. According to the plans of the new Culture Minister, the Ministry for Culture is to submit during the second quarter of 2007 a draft law on an audiovisual fund. In October the Ministry for Culture was already doing the preparatory work for a draft law on services provided by Slovakian broadcasting to the public. With...

IRIS 2006-8:1/30 [SK] New Press Act

The Slovakian Ministry of Culture and the Arts has submitted to the Government a draft Act on the rights and obligations of persons obtaining, processing and publishing information and publicly distributing it via the media ( tlačový zákon - Press Act). On account of the shortened parliamentary term, the Slovakian Government has not yet dealt with the draft Act. However, it is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2007. The Press Act will completely replace the current Act No. 81/1996 on periodical publications and other mass media. The draft Press Act aims to regulate comprehensively the procurement...

IRIS 2006-8:1/29 [SK] New Audiovisual Media Act

A draft new Audiovisual Media Act (audiovizuálny zákon) has been prepared by the Slovakian Ministry of Culture and the Arts. It is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2007 and would completely replace the current Act No. 1/1996 of 14 December 1995. The new legislation is required in order to bring Slovakian audiovisual law into line with the European Convention for the Protection of the Audiovisual Heritage, of which the Slovak Republic became the ninth signatory state on 17 February 2003. The draft document regulates the following: the obligations of natural and legal persons with...