Search results : 115
Refine your searchIRIS 2010-9:1/36 [SK] Plans of the New Government in the Area of Media | |
On 11 August 2010 the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic approved the new Government Programme Declaration (“Declaration”). The main objectives in the area of culture are the protection and restoration of the cultural heritage, a complete reform of the public media and an efficient administration of public finances. The Deputy Minister of Culture announced that one of the priorities is also the elaboration of a document on the direction of culture for the next years, for the purpose of transforming the culture to a sector suitable for investment. One major issue susceptible to change is the... |
IRIS 2010-8:1/5 European Commission: Legislation Guaranteeing the Independence of Slovak Telecoms Regulator | |
On 26 February 2010 Act No. 56/2010 Coll. amending Act No. 610/2003 Coll. on Electronic Communications (“ECA“) was published in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic. The particular Amendment of the ECA (“Amendment“) was approved by the National Council on 3 February 2010 and came into effect on 1 April 2010. As well as guaranteeing the independence of the Telekomunikačný úrad Slovenskej Republiky (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic - TÚSR), the Amendment also lays down the legal means for guaranteeing an efficient granting of subventions by the Ministry of Transport,... |
IRIS 2010-7:1/37 [SK] Protection of Audiovisual Heritage in the Slovak Republic | |
On 10 May 2007 the Slovak President ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Audiovisual Heritage. According to Article 1 of the Convention its main objective is to ensure the protection of the European audiovisual heritage and its appreciation both as an art form and as a record of our past by means of its collection, preservation and the availability of moving image material for cultural, scientific and research purposes, in the public interest. By ratifying this Convention the Slovak Republic assumed inter alia the obligations to: - preserve and deposit audiovisual records which... |
IRIS 2010-5:1/40 [SK] Concept of Media Education | |
On 16 December 2009 the Government adopted the “Concept of Media Education in the Slovak Republic in the Context of Lifelong Learning” (hereinafter referred to as “Concept”). This Concept has been elaborated according to the Government Programme. The requirement to create conditions for the realisation of media education results from various EU documents that underline the importance of information technology. According to Council Directive 89/552/EEC (transposed into Slovak law by Act No. 498/2009 Coll., see IRIS 2009-9: 18) the member states are obliged to submit to the European Commission a... |
IRIS 2010-5:1/39 [SK] Amendment of the Act on Broadcasting and Retransmission | |
On 15 December 2009 the latest amendment (No. 498/2009 Coll.) of the Act No. 308/2000 Coll. on Broadcasting and Retransmission (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) came into effect. This amendment transposes the Directive 2007/65/EC (hereinafter referred to as “the Directive”) into the Slovak legal system. Several important changes have been brought about by this transposition. The scope of regulation of the Act has become broader according to the Directive criteria. The present legal regulation is based on technological neutrality and covers audiovisual media services regardless of the technology... |