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IRIS 1998-6:1/27 [SI] Revision of Media Legislation

Following the governmental programme of alignment of Slovene legislation with EC Law, the Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Culture prepared a revision to current media legislation. A bill to this extent is expected to be submitted to Parliament before summer. It will follow the provisions of the revised Television without Frontieres Directive. In addition, having gained practical experience with the present legislation, the Broadcasting Council suggested major changes in areas which are not covered by the revised Directive. A number of non-commercial local broadcasters...

IRIS 1997-6:1/29 [SI] Proposal to Amend Media Law

The wish to stimulate domestic production, new ownership positions in the private commercial TV market and a lack of possibilities for regulatory bodies to enforce their power by means of sanctions, brought the Broadcasting Council of Slovenia, the regulatory body in the field of private commercial audio-visual media, to rethink existing media law (see IRIS 1995-1: 12). Generally, the Council proposes amendments on three main issues: defining different programme quota, ensuring more successful anti-monopoly legislation and different sanctions for violating the law by giving the Council certain...

IRIS 1996-9:1/11 State of Signatures and Ratifications of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television: second update (until 1 October 1996)

In IRIS 1996-5: 10 we published an overview of the state of Signatures and Ratifications of, inter alia , the European Convention on Transfrontier Television, on 1 May 1996. A first update in regard to this Convention was published in IRIS 1996-8: 6. We can hereby report that the Ukraine signed the European Convention on Transfrontier Television on 14 June 1996, Slovenia on 18 July 1996, and Slovakia on 11 September 1996. Upon the signing of the Convention, Slovakia made a Reservation which is available from the Observatory in English or French, upon request.

IRIS 1996-7:1/32 RECTIFICATION: Wrong listing of when States became Party to the Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite (IRIS 1996-5: 8)

In IRIS 1996-5: 7-10 we published an overview of the state of Signatures and Ratifications of European Conventions and other international treaties that are relevant to the audiovisual sector. The listing of when States became Party to the Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite (printed on page 8) is, however, not correct. Accidentily it reproduces the dates on which States became Party to the Berne Convention for the protection of copyright of literary and artistic works (as printed on page 7). The correct date on which States became Party...

IRIS 1996-1:1/16 [SI] New copyright law

On 30 March 1995 the Slovenian Parliament passed legislation on copyright and related rights. The Act entered into force on 29 April 1995, and is now also available in English. The area covered by the act includes not only the primary protection of the author of literary, scientific and artistic works (copyright), but also the secondary protection of the related rights of performing artist-s, producers of phonograms and films, broadcasting companies and publishers. According to Section 5-II-2 of the Copyright Act, computer programmes are also specifically included in the scope of protection provided...