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IRIS 2004-10:1/39 [DE-BE] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and Belgium

On 27 July 1964 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Germany and Belgium, which entered into force on the same day. The Agreement applies to cultural and feature films as well as to documentaries, made by one or more German producers in conjunction with one or more Belgian producers. Third country producers may join. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 30% (in the case of multilateral co-productions or as an exception, 20% are the minimum). For further information contact: - Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien - Referat K 35 (Angelegenheiten...

IRIS 2004-10:1/37 [CH-BE] Films Co-Production Agreement between Switzerland and Belgium

On 9 January 1989 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Switzerland and Belgium. The agreement has not been ratified by the Belgian party yet. According to Article 18 (1), provisional execution is possible in the meantime. The Agreement applies to all films made by one or more Swiss producers in conjunction with one or more Belgian producers. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 20%. For further information contact: - Bundesamt für Kultur - Sektion Film - Office fédérale de la Culture - Section...

IRIS 2004-10:1/10 [BE] New Telecom Decree Implementing Electronic Communications Framework

By its Decree of 5 May 2004, the Flemish Parliament has implemented the European Electronic Communications Framework (see IRIS 2002-3: 4). The Decree was adopted more than ten months after the deadline for implementation provided by the framework. In April 2004, the European Commission had announced its decision to refer to the European Court of Justice six Member States, including Belgium, for failing to fully implement the framework (see IRIS 2004-6: 6). The new Decree introduces a new general definition of "electronic communications networks", which is inspired by the Framework Directive and...

IRIS 2004-10:1/9 [BE] Tax Shelter for Investments in Audiovisual Works

Belgium has set up a tax shelter to encourage investment in Belgian audiovisual works by Belgian companies. These fiscal measures were first introduced by the program law of 2 August 2002 and amended by the program law of 22 December 2003 and the law of 17 May 2004. When investing in a Belgian audiovisual production, a Belgian company or a foreign company to which the Belgian income tax regulation is applicable can receive a tax benefit. The investing company can deduct 150% of the investment from its taxable profits. However, the maximum tax-deductible amount must not exceed EUR 750,000 in one...

IRIS 2004-6:1/8 European Commission: 6 Member States Referred to Court of Justice over Electronic Communications Framework

On 21 April 2004, the European Commission announced its decision to refer to the European Court of Justice the six Member States that had still not fully implemented the new regulatory framework for electronic communications into their national law (i.e. Belgium, Germany, Greece, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands). The new framework was to be implemented by July 2003, but 8 Member States failed to meet this deadline and in October 2003 the Commission opened infringement proceedings against those States (see IRIS 2003-10: 5 and IRIS 2004-2: 4). Proceedings against two Member States, Spain (see...