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IRIS 1995-4:1/13 [RU] Privacy Protection, Libel and Defamation Incorporated in New Civil Code

On 1 January 1995, Part One of the new Russian Civil Code became effective. Article 152 codifies existing practice in regards to the right of plaintiffs to seek nonmaterial damages ("moral damages") for violations of honor and dignity ("defamation"). The Post-Soviet Media Law and Policy Newsletter reports on the basis of statistics published by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, that the number of civil defamation actions increased by 26% in the first half of 1994, over the year before. Article 150 (1) recognizes the "inviolability of private life", "personal and family privacy"...

IRIS 1995-3:1/15 [RU] New Rules on Advertising Distribution

On 15 December 1994 the State Duma adopted a new federal law "On the Rules of Coverage of the Activity of Institutions of the State Authority in Mass Media". It was signed by the President on 13 January 1995 and entered into force the same day. Rossiyskaya gazeta on 17 January 1995. Article 13 of this law states that the TV and radio broadcasting and programs covering the activity of the State institutions may not be interrupted by commercials. Furthermore, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly approved in the first reading a Federal Bill on advertising which defines advertising and different...

IRIS 1995-2:1/17 [RU] Draft Statute on State Support for the Mass Media - Part 2

In IRIS 1995-1 we reported on a draft Statute on State support for the Mass Media in the Russian Federation. Now we can add that the State Duma approved the Bill in November 1994 after three readings, but that it was then rejected by the upper house, The Council of the Federation on 9 December 1994. The original text was published in Rossiyskaya gazeta of 2 November 1994.

IRIS 1995-1:1/30 [RU] Recommendation of the Judicial Chamber for Information Disputes on the legal nature of ITAR-TASS materials

The Recommendation clarifies the following questions raised by ITAR-TASS, by explaining the Russian Copyright Act: 1. Is an information product that is created by the collective of an agency and disseminated to consumers of information protected by copyright? 2. Does ITAR-TASS have the right to use a copyright sign and place it on its information products? 3. Can news agencies and mass media organisations collect money for an ITAR-TASS information product when they adapt it to fit their specific conditions and regional features?

IRIS 1995-1:1/29 [RU] Draft Statute on State Support for the Mass Media

A draft Statute to regulate the procedure for State support for the mass media and for book publishing as an integral part of Russian mass legislation on the mass media. The draft also contains provisions on the privatisation of facilities providing backup to the operation of mass media and book publishing. The draft Statute proposes that some of the provisions should enter into force on 1 January 1995, the draft had not yet been enacted into law on 6 January 1995.