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IRIS 1996-1:1/15 [RU] Two decisions on privacy protection by the Judicial Chamber on Information Disputes

On 22 September 1995 and on 19 October 1995, the Russian President's Judicial Chamber on Information Disputes took a decision in regards to the protection of the privacy of the individual against the media. The first decision concerned a complaint by a Member of Parliament regarding the broadcasting of inaccurate information by the television broadcaster ORT. ORT had broadcast information on a fight in the halls of a State Duma session. In its report on the fight, ORT only mentioned the surname of the MP involved in the fight. The problem was that there are two MPs with the same surname. The one...

IRIS 1995-10:1/14 [RU] Regulations Governing Election Campaigns in State Mass Media

In September of this year, the electoral commission of the Russian Federation approved the new regulations governing election campaigns in state mass media within its frontiers. The regulations cover both state radio and television companies and periodicals in which the state is involved. State radio and television companies include all companies which have been set up wholly or in part by official government departments. Publications with state involvement are considered to be those which have been brought out by official state-level departments or which are funded to at least 25% from state budgets...

IRIS 1995-9:1/20 [TJ] Draft Statute on Television and Radio

A draft Statute on Television and Radio is currently under consideration in Tajikistan. The draft Statute applies to all forms of television and radio except for: special closed video systems (industrial, technical, internal production, educational, internal production, educational, service, and others), radio (amateur broadcasters' communications, sport radio, and others). As well as other forms of communication operating on the basis of individual calls or using special channels for the dissemination of information for purposes and tasks other than those which are the responsability of television...

IRIS 1995-9:1/17 [RU] New Advertising Law

The much-debated and anticipated federal Advertising Statute is a comprehensive Act that regulates advertising in Russia and aims to curb misleading and other unacceptable advertisements.The Statute is based on a draft proposed by the State Anti-monopoly Committee in 1994 and differs from a draft tabled around the same time by the Association of Advertising Agencies. The statute applies to both Russian and foreign entities and individuals involved in advertising in the Russian Federation. The Statute restricts, and from 1 January, completely prohibits alcohol and tobacco advertising on television....

IRIS 1995-9:1/13 [RU] Decision of the Judicial Chamber against the Publishing of an Article in Moskovskaia Pravda

State Duma Vice Chairman A. Chilingarov appealed to the Judicial Chamber of Information Disputes regarding a publication in Moskovskaia pravda on 16 June 1995. The claimant argued that the publication was untrue and contained a set of defamatory statements designed to discredit his political, social and professional reputation and that it also discredited the authority of legislative power. The Judicial Chamber established that the article contained negative analysis of the social-political activity of Chilingarov as well as unfavorable evaluations of several of his personality traits. The Judicial...