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IRIS 1996-7:1/7 State of Signatures and Ratifications of the European Conventions that are relevant to the audiovisual sector - Update 1

In IRIS 1996-5: 7-10 we published an overview of the state of Signatures and Ratifications of European Conventions and other international treaties that are relevant to the audiovisual sector. We indicated that IRIS would keep you informed on a monthly basis of new signatures and ratification of relevant European Conventions. Therefore, we can now report that the: European Convention on Transfrontier Television was signed by Ukraine on 14 June 1996; and that the European Convention relating to questions on copyright law and neighbouring rights in the framework of transfrontier broadcasting by satellite,...

IRIS 1996-5:1/11 [RU] Amendment of copyright legislation

Legislation dated 19.7.1995 has amended the Russian Federation's legislation on copyright and neighbouring rights. One amendment concerns the wording of Article 11 on the law on copyright which sets out the copyright applicable to authors of anthologies and other collections involving the author's creative work in selecting and compiling material. The amended Article 35, paragraph 1(4) now specifically includes in the scope of related rights of practising artists the related rights of foreign natural and legal persons where they are acknowledged in international agreements in the territory of...

IRIS 1996-4:1/6 More agreements with non-member countries on intellectual property

The European Union has reached a first agreement in Asia with the Republic of Korea. Inter alia, it stipulates that both parties must firstly aim at improving access to their own markets (including telecommunications) by applying the most favoured nation clause and secondly ensure effective and adequate protection for systems of intellectual, industrial and commercial protection by setting up effective legal measures to achieve this. Both parties also agree to support the TRIP'S multilateral agreement which assures, through the WTO (World Trade Organisation), a framework for international relations...

IRIS 1996-3:1/16 [RU] New Statutes to Support the Press

Since 1990, the situation of the printed media in Russia has worsened due to economic pressure and their growing dependence on government subsidies. By now, only a few publications have obtained financial independence from the state or from politically biased groups that see them as their gateway to the power of public and political control (in the old tradition of the country). Despite the miserable condition of the press in Russia with the lowest circulation of newspapers and magazines in decades, lack of school textbooks, poor salaries of the journalists that force many of them into advertising...

IRIS 1996-1:1/21 [RU] New advertising law now available in English

In IRIS 1995-9: 9 we announced the adoption of a new law on advertising in the Russian Federation. At that time, the Act was only available in Russian language. An edited text of the law in English language is now available throught the Observatory.