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IRIS 1998-6:1/6 Council of Europe: Russia Ratifies European Convention on Human Rights

On 5 May 1998, Russia ratified the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and its Protocols no.1, 4, 7, 9, 10 and 11. The Convention affirms a number of rights and fundamental freedoms in favour of the individual, including the freedom of expression (Article 10), and makes provision for a legal mechanism guaranteeing these rights and freedoms. It should also be noted that Russia has, with immediate effect, recognised the right of individual petition and the compulsory jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights (Articles 25 and 36 of the...

IRIS 1998-3:1/15 [RU] Bill on a “High Council for Ethics and Morals in the Field of the Film, Television and Radio” Passes First Reading

On 11 February 1998 a Bill on a "High Council for Ethics and Morals in the field of Film, Television and Radio" passed its first reading in the Russian Duma. The Bill contains 3 sections and 9 articles. It was compiled and tabled by 15 Deputies. Its main purpose is to set up a new State body to supervise all cinematographic organisations, television companies and radio stations (called "operators"). The High Council would have 9 members, 3 appointed by the President, 3 by the Duma and 3 by the Federal Soviet (Upper house of the Russian Parliament), with a 6-year term of office. It would be virtually...

IRIS 1998-2:1/18 [RU] Bill on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company

On 14 January 1998 a new Bill `on State administration and support of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company' was given its first reading in the Parliament of the Russian Federation (the Duma). The Bill was tabled by Deputies on the Duma's Information Policy and Communications Committee. The Bill consists of five sections; its main provisions are: - The All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company is a legal entity in the form of a State company; - The statutes of the Company must be approved by the Federal Government; - The Company's assets are State...

IRIS 1998-2:1/17 [RU] Broadcasting Act Given First Reading

Until now Russia has had no legislation regulating the problems of television and radio broadcasting. The only legislation in the field - the Mass Media Act - is mainly directed at the press. After six years' work by specialists, a new (eighth) variation of the Bill on Television on Radio Broadcasting was prepared in August 1997. The Duma (Parliament) gave the Bill its first reading on 3 September 1997; its second reading is scheduled for March 1998. The many amendments have been tabled by the Federal President, the Federal Government, Deputies and others. The Duma's Committee on Information Policy...

IRIS 1998-2:1/5 European Union: Conclusion of two New Co-operation Agreements with the Russian Federation and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

By decision of 30 October 1997, the Council of the European Union approved the conclusion of a partnership and co-operation agreement between the European Communities and the Russian Federation. As usual, the Agreement contains provisions concerning intellectual property (Article 54 and Appendix 10), providing that Russia will continue to improve the protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in order to guarantee, within a period of five years from the date on which the agreement comes into force, a level of protection similar to that which exists in the Community, and...