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IRIS 1999-6:1/17 [RU] Regulations on conducting a Tender Procedure for the use of Radio Frequencies for the Allocation of Television Programmes using the MMDS, LMDS and MVDS Systems

On 16 February 1999, the Russian government adopted a new procedure (#179) with respect to the regulation of television and radio broadcasting. This provision outlines a method of providing a tender, for obtaining the right to use radio frequencies for television and radio broadcasting using MMDS, LMDS and MVDS systems. The need for this document is related to the adoption on 2 June 1998 of Government Regulation # 552, which introduced the system of payment for the use of the radio frequency spectrum (until that time, payment was required only for the obtaining of a licence). A tender procedure...

IRIS 1999-4:1/15 [RU] Bill on Particularities of Disposition of the Shares of the Stock Company

On 5 March 1999, Russian Parliament adopted after the first reading the Bill on Particularities of Disposition of the Shares of the Stock Company "Public Russian Television (ORT)". The aim of this Bill is to strengthen governmental control over ORT which broadcasts on the first national TV channel. Though the government has the controlling share, its role in ORT is very limited. Hence Article 2 of the bill forbids transfer of ORT shares to foreign states, international organizations, and foreign legal and physical entities. Article 1 of the bill requires that any deals concerning the 51 percent...

IRIS 1999-4:1/11 [RU]  Judicial Chamber Concludes that TV Listings are not Advertising

The Judicial Chamber on Informational Disputes under the President of the Russian Federation has concluded that TV listings cannot be considered as advertising. Russian advertising law states that the amount of advertising in a non-advertising medium shall not be more than 40 percent of total printing space. Anyone violating that limit can be fined. Two cable television companies in the Urals region were publishing listings of their programmes in a general interest local newspaper. In total, advertising information per se and program listings made up 60 percent of the printing space. The Commission...

IRIS 1999-2:1/18 [RU] The Federal Service for Television and Radio Broadcasting Increases Control over Broadcasters

In December 1998, the Federal Service for Television and Radio Broadcasting (FSTR) of the Russian Federation issued two decrees directed at introducing strict control over operations of the broadcasting companies. The first is "On strengthening state control over broadcasters' compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to television and radio broadcasting, mass media and conditions of the broadcasting licence ". Under the new form of control, the Department of State Inspection of Television and Radio Broadcasting of the FSTR would issue a warning to broadcasting companies...

IRIS 1999-2:1/17 [RU] Tax Breaks for National Film Industry

On 13 January 1999 wide-ranging breaks intended to revive the national film industry went into force as part of the federal statute amending current tax legislation. The changes in the regulation of taxation were adopted by the parliament in December 1998 and signed by the President on 6 January 1999. Under the new law every contract for the production, copying and exhibition of a Russian film including the sale of rights is exempt from the 20% value-added tax (Art.1). Furthermore, profit tax is lifted from profits invested in film production and exhibition, as well as in the construction of cinemas...