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IRIS 2014-5:1/31 [RU] Rosbalt case at Supreme Court

On 19 March 2014 the Judicial Collegium on administrative cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation made a resolution on an appeal complaint from JSC “News Agency Rosbalt”. The Supreme Court looked into warnings sent by Roskomnadzor (the federal media and telecommunications watchdog) on 12 and 25 July 2013 to the editorial office of the online news service Rosbalt. Roskomnadzor claimed that Rosbalt had abused media freedom by posting materials that contained obscene language. According to the media law, two warnings may lead to a demand by Roskomnadzor that the court annuls a media registration...

IRIS 2014-3:1/40 [RU] Blocking Internet Allowed without Court Decision

On 30 December 2013 President Vladimir Putin of Russian Federation signed into law a bill adopted by the State Duma (parliament) on 17 December 2013, in a first reading, and on 20 December 2013, in the second and the third readings. The bill amends Article 15 of the Law on Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information (see IRIS 2013-8/33) so as to allow the Prosecutor General and his deputies to order blocking websites containing content such as calls to unsanctioned public protests and to “extremist” activities. The act now introduces the following procedure: without judicial...

IRIS 2013-8:1/34 [RU] New Rules to Protect Privacy and Reputation

On 2 July 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed into law the Federal Statute amending several provisions of the Russian Civil Code. This law was adopted as part of the civil legislation reform underway in Russia. Under the new law some aspects of non-material values protection are regulated in a slightly different way (including inter alia protection against defamation and protection of person’s image, see IRIS 2013-8/32), and some brand-new provisions introduced (protection of privacy). The major focus of the Statute is the development of new legal mechanisms for the protection...

IRIS 2013-8:1/33 [RU] Act to Counteract Video Piracy Online

On 2 July 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed into law the Statute amending several statutes of civil law, procedural law and information law. The new Act introduces a number of measures aimed at boosting the ability of rightsholders to cease stop distribution of illegal video content via the Internet. According to the Statute, a new Article was introduced into the Civil Code (Art. 1253.1) providing rules for liability of so called “internet mediators”, i.e. those either providing technical transmission of the information on the Internet (internet providers) or providing the hosting...

IRIS 2013-8:1/32 [RU] Constitutional Court on Defamation Online

On 9 July 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution concerning the constitutionality of several paragraphs of Article 152 (“Defamation”) of the Russian Civil Code. The case was raised by a citizen named Krylov who complained that the Civil Code does not oblige the Internet service providers (ISPs) to remove defamatory statements made by third parties. The complaint arose from decisions of the courts of first and second instances in the Sverdlovsk region on the lawsuit of Mr Krylov against the regional ISP. The plaintiff demanded that the defendant remove remarks...