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IRIS 2004-10:1/68 [FR-RO] Films Co-Production Agreement between France and Romania

On 22 April 1966 a Co-Production Agreement was signed between France and Romania. It entered into force on 6 October 1966. The Agreement applies to cinematographic works made by French directors, technicians, and actors, in conjunction with Romanian directors, technicians, and actors; sufficing also them having the status of resident in the respective country. Third country producers may join the co-production, if their country is linked to both France and Romania by a films co-production agreement. Financial contribution shall be at least 30%. For further information contact: - Centre national...

IRIS 2004-10:1/34 [RO] New Rules Governing Personality Rights

On 1 July 2004 Romania's Consiliul Na ional al ,t Audiovizualului, the regulatory authority for electronic media, adopted a decision that sets out detailed rules concerning the freedom of opinion of journalists and the restrictions imposed on such freedom as a result of personality rights (Decizia CNA privind protec ia demnita ii umane i a ,dreptului la propria imagine Nr. 248 din 1 iulie 2004). Article 1 of the Decision defines freedom of opinion and information. It states that restrictions on such freedom are possible in the interests of a democratic society, national security, territorial integrity...

IRIS 2004-9:1/33 [RO] New Advertising, Sponsorship and Teleshopping Rules

The Romanian regulatory body for electronic media, the Consiliul Na,tional al Audiovizualului (CNA), has amended the regulations on advertising, sponsorship and teleshopping (CNA decision no. 123/2003, published in the Romanian Official Gazette no. 479 of 4 July 2003) by decision no. 254 of 5 July 2004 (Decizia CNA privind publicitatea, sponsorizarea ,si teleshoppingul). The aim of the changes is to uphold the principles of free competition, the protection of life, health, consumer interests and the environment, and to bring Romanian legislation into line with EC law. Advertising for food, for...

IRIS 2004-8:1/24 [RO] Regulations for the Protection of Minors Amended Again

15 August 2004 saw the entry into force in Romania of new regulations to protect minors with respect to broadcast programmes. One of the most important new provisions introduced by Decision No. 249 of the National Audiovisual Council (CNA) (Decizia CNA Nr. 249 privind prote a copiilor în cadrul serviciilor de programe) is that c ti in the evening slot between 8 and 10 pm the only feature films that can be shown are those in which there are no violent scenes or only a few such scenes. The Decision also imposes a ban on all commercials containing scenes of violence, sexual innuendeo or bad language...

IRIS 2004-7:1/27 [RO] Public Information and Pluralism

In its Resolution no. 40 of 9 March 2004, the Consiliului National al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council, the supervisory body for electronic media in Romania ­ CNA) has issued new regulations governing public information and pluralism. By introducing the new provisions, the CNA, as the "only guarantor of the public interest in the audiovisual field", primarily intended to guarantee balanced, unbiased treatment of political, economic, social and cultural information in the public interest in broadcasting, thereby protecting freedom of opinion. For example, according to Article 1 of...