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IRIS 2005-6:1/34 [RO] Culture and Religious Affairs Ministry Takes Control of Copyright Authority

The Oficiul Român pentru Drepturile de Autor (Romanian Copyright Authority - ORDA)was founded in 1996 as a specialist body answerable to the Government and was the only national regulatory authority responsible, in partnership with the public monitoring bodies, for protecting copyright by means of national registers. For a while, the ORDA worked under the auspices of the National Control Authority (Autoritatea Naţională de Control). However, following the adoption of the "National Copyright Strategy 2003-2007" (Strategia Naţională în domeniul Proprietăţii Intelectuale în perioada 2003-2007), which...

IRIS 2005-5:1/21 [RO] New Rules on Distribution of Audiovisual Licences

Decision No. 213 of Romania's National Audiovisual Council (CNA) on the procedure for the granting of audiovisual licences and the licensing of terrestrial transmission of broadcast programmes entered into force at the end of March 2005. Articles 3 to 10 of CNA Decision No. 213 regulate the tendering procedure for broadcasting licences. Article 3, for example, stipulates that the CNA must publicise any tendering for broadcasting licences, through advertisements in the printed media and on its own homepage (, for example. Article 4 lists all the documents that must be submitted with the...

IRIS 2005-4:1/29 [RO] New Rules on Tobacco Advertising

Act No 457/2004 on the Advertising of Tobacco Products (Legea privind publicitatea şi sponsorizarea pentru produsele din tutun),published in parliamentary gazette No 1067 of 17 November 2004, introduces new rules on the advertising of tobacco products and sponsorship by tobacco companies. The Act is modelled on relevant EU texts including Directive 2003/33/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products, and certain provisions of Council Recommendation No 2003/54/EC on the prevention...

IRIS 2005-4:1/28 [RO] Act on the Use of the Romanian Language

Romania's new Act on the Use of the Romanian Language was published in the parliamentary gazette on 12 November 2004 and entered into force 30 days later. It had taken several years and numerous amendments for the highly controversial Bill to pass into law in its current and substantially diluted form. Article 1 of the Act provides that any written or spoken Romanian text intended for the public must comply with current grammar and spelling rules. Any public written or spoken text in a foreign language must be accompanied by a Romanian translation or explanation. Article 2 of the Act defines the...

IRIS 2005-3:1/33 [RO] Copyright Protection Improved

In order to combat piracy of recorded music and films as well as software, and to improve the protection of copyright in general, Act no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights in Romania has been tightened up by the addition of new regulations. Act no. 285 of 23 June 2004 makes provision for the relevant amendments and additions (Legea nr.285 din 23 iunie 2004 pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe). In particular, the level of fines has risen, with the public sale of pirated computer software punishable with fines of between ROL 100 and...