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IRIS 2009-1:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Case of Petrina v. Romania

In 1997, during a television programme that focused on the problems with access to administrative documents stored in the archives of the former Romanian State security services, C.I., a journalist with the satirical weekly ‘Caţavencu’, alleged that a politician, Liviu Petrina, had been active in the secret police Securitate. A few weeks later, the same journalist published an article reiterating his allegations. Similar allegations of collaboration by Petrina with the Securitate under the regime of Ceauşescu were also published by another journalist, M.D. Petrina lodged two sets of criminal proceedings...

IRIS 2008-10:1/27 [RO] The Election Campaign in the Electronic Media

On 30 November 2008, elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate will be taking place in Romania. In view of this, the Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului din România (Romanian National Audiovisual Council – CNA) adopted on 30 September 2008 Decision No. 792, which in addition to the existing legal rules (Electoral Law No. 35) and CNA regulations, lays down a number of “new principles and rules for the conduct of the election campaign by means of audiovisual programmes”. For the first time, the “candidaţi” (candidates) and the “competitori electorali” (election campaign participants)...

IRIS 2008-9:1/31 [RO] CNA Controls and Sanctions

After checks carried out by the regional inspectors of the Council for Electronic Media ( Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului – CNA) revealed infringements of its regulations, the CNA decided to impose three sanctions at its meeting on 5 August 2008. Under CNA decisions 651, 652 and 653, the companies TEHNOCONSTRUCT and MC ELECTRONIC SAT were each fined RON 5,000 (EUR 1 = RON 3.57) while a reprimand was issued against a third company, OTASAU. The companies were punished for violating Art. 74 para. 3 of the Legea audiovizualului (Audiovisual Act) no. 504/2002, including the related amendments...

IRIS 2008-8:1/35 [RO] CNA Joins Black Sea Regulatory Authorities

On 30 June 2008, the first meeting of the Platform of Audiovisual Regulatory Authorities of the Black Sea Region, the members of which include the Romanian Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council – CNA ), was held in Istanbul. This platform, founded on the initiative of the Turkish Supreme Broadcasting Council, aims to increase dialogue and co-operation between regulatory authorities for electronic media in countries bordering the Black Sea and to provide a forum for discussion of matters of common interest, such as cultural diversity and protection of cultural assets....

IRIS 2008-8:1/29 [RO] Second CNA Phare Programme Concluded

Following the success of the 30% state-funded Phare project RO 0107.02, which was run by the Romanian audiovisual regulatory authority between 2002 and 2004 and concentrated particularly on technical support and assistance with purchases, the Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council – CNA) was able to organise a second Phare programme from 2007 to 2008, this time fully financed by the European fund (Phare 2004/016-772.03.15.01). This second project aimed to deepen and broaden expertise in the Romanian audiovisual sector. The primary purpose was to develop the experiences...