Search results : 363
Refine your searchIRIS 2015-5:1/32 [RO] Investigative Journalism Act rejected by the Senate | |
On 25 February 2015, the Romanian Senate (Upper Chamber of the Parliament) rejected with an overwhelming majority the Propunerea legislativă privind înfiinţarea Fondului Special pentru Jurnalismul de Investigaţie (draft act on setting up of a special fund for investigative journalism). The final decision rests with the second Chamber, the Chamber of Deputies. The Draft Act intended, according to the initiators, to fight against corruption which affects public money through supporting any step taken by investigative journalists and natural and moral persons towards the disclosure of illegal practices.... |
IRIS 2015-5:1/31 [RO] Modifications of the Audiovisual Act rejected | |
In March 2015, the Chamber of Deputies (lower chamber of the Romanian Parliament) rejected two draft laws intended to modify and complete the Audiovisual Act no. 504/2002 with further modifications and completions (Legea nr. 504/2002 a audiovizualului, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare). The decision of the Senate (Upper Chamber) will be final in both cases (see IRIS 2002-3/20, IRIS 2009-2/29, IRIS 2010-1/36, IRIS 2011-4/31, IRIS 2011-7/37, IRIS 2014-1/37, IRIS 2014-7/29, IRIS 2014-9/26). The first draft law was rejected almost unanimously by the deputies on 11 March 2015. The document... |
IRIS 2015-5:1/30 [RO] Modification of the Copyright Act | |
A new Act on the modification and completion of the Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights (Lege pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr.8/1996 privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe) was promulgated by Romania’s President on 24 March 2015 (Act no. 53/2015) and published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 198/2015 part I. The Draft Law was adopted by the Senate (Upper Chamber of the Parliament) on 15 December 2014 and by the Chamber of Deputies (Lower Chamber) on 25 February 2015 (see IRIS 2006-8/27). The Act transposes Directive 2011/77/EU of the European Parliament and of... |
IRIS 2015-2:1/29 [RO] Draft Law on the Establishment of a Cultural Stamp | |
On 8 December 2014, the Romanian Senate (upper Chamber of the Parliament) tacitly adopted a draft law on the establishment of a cultural stamp (Proiectul de Lege privind instituirea timbrului cultural). The final decision belongs to the Chamber of Deputies (lower Chamber). According to the adopted Draft Law, the establishment of a cultural stamp was requested by all creators’ unions and associations in Romania (representing writers, composers, musicologist, fine artists, filmmakers, architects). The new law will replace the Law No. 35/1994 (which establishes a cultural stamp on literature, film,... |
IRIS 2015-1:1/35 [RO] Government Decision on Financing TVR Studios Abroad | |
On 29 October 2014, the Romanian Government adopted Decision No. 955/2014 (“Decision”) with regard to establishing the categories of expenditures, procedures and limits that may make possible advance payments of public funds by the Romanian Television for the production and broadcasting of television programmes abroad in the Romanian language, as well as for arranging the production and broadcasting facilities of foreign television stations controlled by the public broadcaster, Romanian Television (“TVR”). The Decision was published in the Official Journal of Romania No. 806 (Part I) of 5 November... |