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IRIS 1997-3:1/6 Community programmes on audio-visual sector now also open to participation by Poland

Following the entry into force on 1 March 1997 of the Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement establishing an association betweenthe European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Poland, of the other part ( see IRIS 1996-2: 5), Poland may now participate in Community programmes and projects of, inter alia, information services and the audio-visual sector (which includes the MEDIA II programmesee also IRIS 1996-7: 6 and IRIS 1996-10: 8).

IRIS 1996-8:1/20 [PL] New anti-smoking law

After heated parliamentary discussion, an Act to protect health against the effects of using tobacco and tobacco products was passed on 9 November 1995. The Act, which came into force on 1 May 1996, marks the start of more vigorous action to curb smoking in Poland. In addition to preventing dependence on tobacco and tobacco products and protecting health against the effects of using them, the act is intended to protect the right of non-smokers to a tobacco smoke-free environment. It obliges government and local authorities to take all the action needed for this purpose. The Act imposes numerous...

IRIS 1995-9:1/19 [PL] New Regulation on Radio and Television Licence Fees

On 23 June 1995, the National Broadcasting Council issued a regulation under Section 48 (2) of the Polish Broadcasting Act of 29 December 1992, introducing new licence fees for radio and television sets. This supersedes the Broadcasting Fees Regulation of 21 July 1993, as amended on 28 October 1994. When the new regulation comes into force on 1 January 1996, there will be a monthly licence fee of 2.40 Zlotys on radios, and a fee of 7 Zlotys on television sets or both. Modes and methods of payment are also regulated, and certain groups are exempted.

IRIS 1995-9:1/18 [PL] New Regulation on Licensing Fees for Radio and Television Service Operators

Poland's National Broadcasting Council issued a new regulation on licensing fees on 26 May 1995. This makes certain changes in the previous regulation on licensing fees for radio and television service operators of 3 June 1993, as amended on 19 May 1994. The regulation is based on Section 40 of the Polish Broadcasting Act of 29 December 1992, which introduces a fee for broadcasting licences issued to private broadcasters. The fee itself is determined by the National Broadcasting Council in consultation with the Minister of Communications, with reference to the nature of the broadcasting body and...

IRIS 1995-6:1/9 [PL] New Licensing Procedure for Radio and Television Programmes

On 28 February 1995, the President of the National Broadcasting Council announced a new licensing procedure for radio and television broadcasters. The procedure is regulated by the Radio and Television Act of 1992 (Official Journal 1993/7/34). In the television sector, licences will be allocated for two new television channels. The first channel can be received in the northern part of Poland with a potential audience of about 2 million viewers. The second one can be received in central Poland (which includes Warsaw) and will have a potential audience of 3 million viewers. POLSAT, the private...