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IRIS 1997-3:1/32 [NL] Debate on auction of frequencies cancelled

The debate in the Dutch Parliament to authorise the auction of six new FM licences, planned for Monday 10 March 1997, was cancelled. A new committee is being set up to look at alternative methods of licensing ( i.e., as an alternative to highest bidder auctions). Also a new technical study of FM band will take place which will divide up the FM band into public and private sectors, with space for many more stations.

IRIS 1997-3:1/28 [NL] Ownership limitations on cable television networks

The Dutch Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Ms Annemarie Jorritsma, who is responsible for telecommunications, has written a letter to Mr Van Miert, member of the European Commission, on cross-ownership rules for cable television networks (in the USA referred to as `cable systems'). In her letter, the minister requests the Commissioner to look into the possibility to restrict the ownership of cable television networks/systems (`alternative telecommunications infrastructures') by dominant telecommunications operators (read: PTT's). In several countries of Europe the public...

IRIS 1997-3:1/22 [NL] Bill on the reorganisation of the public broadcasting system

In IRIS 1997-2: 13 we reported on the proposal of the Dutch Government to reorganize the national public broadcasting system. At the time of publication, the exact text of the proposal was still confidential, anticipating on the evaluation of the proposal by the State Council (Raad van State) . This evaluation has now been published. Consequently, the text of the proposal - also containing the Government's response to the remarks of the State Council - was sent to Parliament on 3 February 1997. The proposal aims at what is called the `professionalization' of the national public broadcasting system...

IRIS 1997-3:1/20 [NL] Act on Neighbouring Rights allows TV in cafés

On 1 October 1996 the Dutch Eerste Kamer (First Chamber of Parliament) gave its approval on a Bill amending the Law on Neighbouring Rights ( Wet op de Naburige Rechten ). Under the Bill, broadcasting organisations are stripped from their neighbouring rights in respect of the use in cafés, restaurants and other places that are freely accessible to the public, of the radio and television programmes that they broadcast. The Bill is expected to be enacted into law and to enter into force shortly (IRIS will kee you informed on this). Under the original Dutch Law on Neighbouring Rights, broadcasting...

IRIS 1997-3:1/13 [NL] Programme formats eligible for copyright protection

In December 1996 the Amsterdam Court of Appeal ruled again in favour of copyright protection for programme formats (a plan or concept on which a television series is based). In 1994 the Court had already decided that in order to be protected by copyright, a format must be original, and elaborated in such a way that it can be regarded as a recognisable element of the work based on it. In the case of a television series this could result from the similar presentation of the different episodes. The recent case concerned a conflict between a group of programme producers, called Jiskefet (plaintiffs),...