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IRIS 2010-1:1/32 [NL] Amsterdam District Court Orders The Pirate Bay to Remove Torrents

On 22 October 2009, the Amsterdam District Court ordered The Pirate Bay to remove a list of torrents that link to copyright-protected works in the Netherlands and to make these torrents on its websites inaccessible for Internet users in the Netherlands, on penalty of EUR 5,000 per day, the maximum possible fine being EUR 3,000,000. The court annulled the default judgment it had issued on 30 July 2009 in the summary proceedings brought against The Pirate Bay by the Bescherming Rechten Entertainment Industrie Nederland (Protection Rights Entertainment Industry Netherlands - BREIN), the Dutch rightsholders’...

IRIS 2009-10:1/30 European Commission: German “Must-Carry” Case Closed, but Belgium Is Taken to Court

On 8 October 2009, the European Commission decided to close an infringement procedure against Germany relating to European “must-carry” provisions, as set out in the Universal Services Directive. The Directive forms part of the EU’s Telecoms Package, which is currently under revision. Under the Directive, Member States are obliged to ensure a minimum level of availability and affordability of basic services, as well as a basic set of rights for the benefit of European consumers. According to Article 31, proportionate and transparent “must-carry” rules can be set for clearly defined general interest...

IRIS 2009-9:1/23 [NL] Torrent Website Has to Remove All Torrents for Copyright Protected Works

The Dutch district court of Utrecht has ruled against the popular torrent website Mininova, in a case brought by anti-piracy organisation BREIN. The court concluded that Mininova had acted unlawfully by structurally providing the means for, encouraging and profiting from infringements of copyright and related rights and, moreover, that it is not protected under the hosting safe harbour of the E-Commerce Directive. Mininova was not held liable for direct copyright infringement. The website has been ordered to remove all torrents for protected works within 3 months and is considering an appeal. The...

IRIS 2009-9:1/22 [NL] Court Orders The Pirate Bay to Make its Website Inaccessible to Dutch Internet Users

On 30 July 2009, the Amsterdam District Court sentenced The Pirate Bay by means of a default judgment to make its websites inaccessible to Internet users in the Netherlands, because The Pirate Bay was found to infringe the intellectual property rights of Dutch rightsholders, represented by the Bescherming Rechten Entertainment Industrie Nederland ((Protection Rights Entertainment Industry Netherlands - BREIN). The Pirate Bay is a website registered in Sweden on which BitTorrents are provided. These torrents enable the exchange of files between computers that are connected to the Internet and which...

IRIS 2009-4:1/24 [NL] Norma & Irda v. Vecai et al.

The trade organisation Vecai (now renamed NLkabel) represents five cable operators. Vecai et al. were called upon to defend themselves against legal claims by the collecting societies Norma and Irda. Norma and Irda represent performing artists in the sense of the Wet op de naburige Rechten (Related Rights Act - WNR): Norma and Irda are allowed to represent their performers in their right to authorise the unaltered and unabridged re-broadcasting by a cable broadcasting installation of a performance or phonogram or a reproduction thereof. Their claim is that the cable operators are re-broadcasting...