Search results : 487
Refine your searchIRIS 2013-6:1/26 [NL] Establishment of the Authority Consumer and Market | |
On 1 April 2013, the Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit (Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority - OPTA) officially merged with the Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit (Dutch Competition Authority - NMa) and the Consumentenautoriteit (the Consumer Authority - CA), to create a new organisation called Autoriteit Consument en Markt (the Authority Consumer and Market - ACM). Prior to the merger, the three organizations that each had responsibility for the supervision of different parts of the market: the NMa oversaw cartel formations and price agreements, the OPTA supervised... |
IRIS 2013-5:1/35 [NL] Media Monitor: The Audiovisual Media in the Digital Age | |
In February 2013, the Media Monitor of the Commissariaat voor de Media (Media Authority - CvdM) published a report entitled Analyse en Verdieping #2, Over audiovisuele media in het digitale tijdperk (Analysis and Deepening #2, about audiovisual media in the digital age). The report contains, as the title suggests, an analysis of developments in the field of audiovisual media in the digital age. Over ten years ago, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science instructed the Commissariat for the Media to develop a monitoring system for media concentrations. Since then, the Commissariat reports... |
IRIS 2013-5:1/34 [NL] Media Policy Priorities of the Dutch Media Authority in 2013 | |
In accordance with Article 7.20 (1) of the Mediawet 2008 (Dutch Media Act), the Commissariaat voor de Media (Media Authority - CvdM) must report each year to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science on its intended enforcement policy. On 31 October 2012 the CvdM sent its enforcement letter 2013 to the Minister and made it public. In its letter to the Minister, the CvdM first emphasises the general principles in its enforcement strategy that are focused on stimulating the presence of a level playing field and effective and customised supervision measures for different media institutions. The... |
IRIS 2013-4:1/24 [NL] Bill Modernising the Media Act 2008 | |
On 14 February 2013, the Dutch Secretary of Education, Culture and Science, S. Dekker, introduced a bill to amend the Mediawet 2008 (Media Act 2008) in order to “modernise the system of national public broadcasting”. The system should become more compact in the future: in 2016 the public broadcasting service will consist of up to 8 broadcasters, instead of the current 21. The public broadcasting service will be composed of three cooperative broadcasters (AVRO/TROS, VARA/BNN and KRO/NCRV), two task organisations (NOS and NTR) and three independent broadcasters (EO, MAX, VPRO). New aspiring broadcasters... |
IRIS 2013-4:1/23 [NL] Scribes are not Allowed under the Dutch Media Act | |
On 14 January 2013 the Rechtbank Amsterdam (Amsterdam District Court) ruled that electronically-added advertisements displayed with games results, so-called “scribes”, (i.e., promotional expressions) are not allowed under the Mediawet 2008 (Dutch Media Act - Mw). On 10 September 2009 the Commissariaat voor de Media (Dutch Media Authority) imposed a EUR 60,000 fine on the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (Dutch Public Broadcaster NOS) for not complying with the sponsorship rules applicable to public service broadcasters (violating Article 2.89 (1)(b) Mw) by using the above-mentioned scribes. NOS filed... |