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IRIS 2015-7:1/23 [NL] Court of Appeal overturns judgment against broadcaster for criticising telecom provider

In its judgment of 24 April 2015, the Dutch Court of Appeal of Amsterdam refused to declare an item about a telecom provider a tortious act, even though it was in bad taste. A Dutch broadcasting organisation called BNN-VARA, the appellant in this case, broadcast a show in which it devoted attention to various complaints about the telecom provider Pretium, the respondent. The show started with an item that told the story of an old lady who had been unable to use her telephone line in the final weeks of her life, because of a failure of her telephone company. Sober music and shots of one of the old...

IRIS 2015-7:1/22 [NL] Court applies Google Spain again: no right to be forgotten for convicted criminals

On 1 May 2015, the North Netherlands District Court ruled in a case regarding the request to have certain search results pertaining to the plaintiff’s criminal history delisted from Google Search based on search queries limited to his name. This is another judgment in a series of Dutch cases concerning the application of the CJEU’s Google Spain judgment (see for a recent example IRIS 2015-5/25). The plaintiff was convicted for killing his wife, the mother of his children, in 2007. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison and treatment under a hospital order (terbeschikkingstelling - TBS). Among the...

IRIS 2015-6:1/29 [NL] Regulation clarifying the provision on net neutrality

On 11 May 2015, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs issued a policy regulation clarifying the provision on net neutrality, which is codified in Article 7.4a of the Dutch Telecommunication Act (DTA). The policy regulation was adopted after the Ministry of Economic Affairs held a national consultation round, inviting stakeholders to comment on certain aspects regarding net neutrality. According to Article 21 of the Framework Act on Independent Governing Bodies (Kaderwet Zelfstandige Bestuursorganen), the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs has a mandate to issue policy regulations which clarify...

IRIS 2015-6:1/28 [NL] Court rejects privacy claim over broadcast of secret recording

In a judgment on preliminary relief proceedings on 17 April 2015, the District Court of Amsterdam rejected a privacy claim over the broadcast of a secret recording being. The plaintiff had received an area ban for the living area of his ex-girlfriend. The woman also pressed charges against him for stalking her and in the meantime contacted a broadcaster that airs a programme about stalking. On 12 April 2015, the broadcaster announced that within a week they would devote attention to the situation of the woman. The broadcast would show secret recordings of the plaintiff looking over the woman’s...

IRIS 2015-6:1/27 [NL] Court grants a “right to be de-listed” against an online news archive

On 11 March 2015, the District Court of Amsterdam granted a “right to be de-listed” claim against the owner of online archives. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant should be ordered to ensure that news articles in its online news archives would no longer be listed in Google search results displayed following searches made on the basis of the plaintiff’s name. The case involved a businessman against Erdee Media, a Dutch Christian media company that publishes a reformational newspaper and two online archives containing articles from several Christian publications. In 2005, the newspaper published...