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IRIS 2000-2:1/5 [BA] EROTEL Dispute still Unresolved

On 15 November last year, Bosnia-Herzegovina's Independent Media Commission (IMC) ordered that the broadcaster EROTEL be shut down after it refused to stop the unauthorised retransmission of Croatian State Television (HRT) programmes on its frequencies. The Bosnia-Herzegovina IMC was set up by the High Representative in order to regulate broadcasting activities and distribution. The IMC's main tasks are to award licences, draw up codes of conduct for broadcasters and monitor compliance with licensing conditions (see Decision of the High Representative on the Independent Media Commission of 11...

IRIS 2000-2:1/4 [BA] Coverage of Violence in the Broadcast Media

The Independent Media Commission (IMC), which is the sole licensing and broadcast regulatory authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 13 December 1999 issued the decision to fine the Banjaluka-based Nezavisna Radio i Televizija (NRTV) for coverage of violence. The violation concerned scenes of slaughter from the Chechnya war, among which was a close-up sequence showing the death of an unknown person. The IMC Enforcement Panel found that the broadcast of these scenes by NRTV was in breach of the IMC General Terms and Conditions of License and of the IMC Broadcasting Code of Practice, Article 1.2...

IRIS 1999-10:1/17 [BA] Law on Radio-Television of the Republic Srpska Amended

According to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), Bosnia-Herzegovina is composed of two entities: the Federation of BiH (FBiH) and the Republika Srpska (RS). But unlike the FBiH, which consists of 10 cantons, the RS is a highly centralized state. This is reflected on the media sector and in particular the broadcast media. Since the Government and the National Assembly of the RS did not take any action to ensure compliance of the restructuring of Srpska Radio-Televizija (SRT) with European standards for public service broadcasting, the High Representative issued the Decision on Amending the Law on...

IRIS 1999-8:1/20 [BA] High Representative Sets Legal Framework for Public Service Broadcasting

Shortly before terminating his appointment, the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp, on 30 July issued a series of decisions furthering the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The «Decision on Restructuring the Public Broadcasting System in Bosnia and Herzegovina» is designed to establish a legal framework for public radio and television that should serve the needs of all citizens in the country. «It creates a new Public Broadcasting System which will provide news programming to the whole of Bosnia-Herzegovina based on the resources and mutual interests...

IRIS 1999-7:1/30 [BA] Press Code Adopted by Journalists' Associations - No New Independent Press Council

On 29 April 1999, six journalists' associations in Bosnia-Herzegovina adopted a Press Code to serve as a basis for self-regulation. Under the Code's provisions, journalists are responsible for upholding the principles of freedom of information, the right to unbiased reporting and critical journalism. Generally speaking, the press agrees to respect the ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Journalists, editors and publishers are required to be unbiased. They see their task as being to protect the rights of the individual as well as to promote the public's right to and...