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IRIS 2021-5:1/8 [BA] New rules to extend broadcasters’ editorial responsibility to their online content

The Council of the Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CRA) has approved draft amendments to the CRA Rules governing the provision of audiovisual and radio media services, with a view to extend the licensees’ editorial responsibility to their online content. More specifically, it is proposed that all content published on broadcasters’ official websites or websites marked with their logo is subject to the same basic tier of rules as the broadcast content, in terms of incitement to violence, hatred and discrimination, prejudice to public health and safety, protection...

IRIS 2018-8:1/8 EBU: Western Balkan public service media sign MOU for future cooperation

After six months of intensive work, the new EU-funded “Technical Assistance to Public Service Media in the Western Balkans” project was launched with a two-day conference on 26 June 2018. The project aims to strengthen the independence of public service broadcasters in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and enhance their profile as public services. It hopes to achieve this through the development of suitable measures for improved funding models, the definition and implementation of journalistic standards and guidelines, and regional...

IRIS 2017-7:1/8 EBU: Appeal to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Executive Board of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in Geneva has written to the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina expressing its concern at the deteriorating state of public service broadcasting in the country.   The EBU Executive Board called on the country’s president to ensure that the government used its power and influence to safeguard the future of the national broadcaster Bosanskohercegovačka radiotelevizija (BHRT). To this end, immediate reforms of the national media laws were necessary. The EBU warned that BHRT risked imminent closure, having been deprived of stable funding...

IRIS 2017-5:1/7 [BA] Work of Parliament blocked, financial disaster for the public service

The public broadcasting system in Bosnia and Herzegovina comprising the national broadcaster BHRT and the constituent entity broadcasters RTVFBiH and RTRS, has been brought into a dead-end situation as it is evident that the national parliament will not discuss models for its funding any time soon. This political situation has been further cemented by a formal blockade of the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the SNSD, the ruling party from the Republika Srpska. It decided not to participate in the work of the parliament’s upper house as a result of a crisis created by a non-institutionally...

IRIS 2017-1:1/5 [BA] Public TV services start digital broadcasting

On 14 October 2016, digital TV signal started being delivered through terrestrial transmitters after several postponements (see IRIS 2016-10:1/5). However, this so-called “test broadcasting” covers only the Sarajevo-, Banja Luka-, and Mostar regions, and is only related to Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) which operate in Multiplex A. This completes the first phase of the digitalisation of transmission and emission equipment. In the next stage, it is planned that the digital signal will cover the remaining six digital areas, i.e. the whole territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Citizens who have older...