
[UA] Statute to ban Russian propaganda

IRIS 2022-7:1/4

Andrei Richter

Comenius University (Bratislava)

On 12 June 2022, the statute “On the ban on the propaganda from the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime” entered into force in Ukraine, having been earlier adopted by the Supreme Rada (the Parliament). It defines such propaganda as: “dissemination of information aimed at supporting or justifying the criminal nature of the activities of the Russian Federation, the authorities of the terrorist state (aggressor state), their officials, employees (including servicemen) and/or representatives who openly or covertly act on behalf of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine or from the territories of other states against Ukraine; a public denial, including through the media or using the Internet, of the criminal nature of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine; or the public use of the symbols of the military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine, the use, production, distribution of products containing such symbols in Ukraine and/or abroad”. Propaganda regarding the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime or the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as a terrorist state against Ukraine is prohibited.

The new statute amended the statute , “On TV and radio broadcasting” (see IRIS 2006-5/34). The amendments specifically prohibit such propaganda unless it is disseminated during live broadcasts and form part of the remarks of a person who is not a presenter or other employee of a television and radio organisation. The amendments also provide for the national regulator to independently apply administrative monetary fines on the broadcasters that spread such propaganda or glorification of participants in the aggression (see IRIS 2022-3/2).



  • Про заборону пропаганди російського нацистського тоталітарного режиму, збройної агресії Російської Федерації як держави-терориста проти України, символіки воєнного вторгнення російського нацистського тоталітарного режиму в Україну 
  • Law of Ukraine 22 May 2022, N 2265-IX on the ban on the propaganda of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as a terrorist state against Ukraine, of the symbols of the military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine

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This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.