[RO] Important New Decisions by the National Audio-visual Council
IRIS 1997-8:1/27
Constanta Moisescu
Office for Authors' Rights (OAR)
In April 1997, the Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) adopted a number of important decisions concerning the audio-visual sector.
Decision No 36/1997 establishes the obligation for holders of broadcasting licences granted by the National Audiovisual Council to inform the Council within 10 days of its occurrence of any change of a technical nature or concerning the company's legal status, the structure of its company capital, its programme schedules, address, telephone or fax number, etc. The 10-day period also applies when a licence-holder ceases to meet the conditions for granting the licence.
Decision No 41/1997 requires public and private television channels to show their logo at all times while broadcasting, including during advertisements. The decision also requires the mention "archive material" to be shown where applicable, particularly during news broadcasts, together with the date of the recording, for material more than 48 hours old. For live broadcasting of events taking place outside the studio, the mention "live" must appear throughout the broadcast. Also, where broadcasts are retransmitted in full, the mention "repeat" must be shown. A blank screen lasting at least one second is compulsory before broadcasting blocks of advertising material. Decision No 42/1997 supplements a decision dating from 1993; it approves compulsory regulations allowing the right of reply in audio-visual programmes. Thus, individuals or corporate bodies, whether of Romanian nationality or foreign, and either resident or established in Romania, who feel that their interests, whether moral or material, have been prejudiced by an audio-visual communication have the right to demand the necessary rectification. If this is refused, they may invoke the right of reply.
Decision No 43/1997 supplements the CNA's decision in 1995 approving the compulsory norms for sponsorship in the audio-visual field. This decision, in compliance with the CNA's Decision No 105/1993, prohibits audio-visual programmes whose main activity is to produce and sell products or offer services, including advertising.
- privind unele relementari referitoare la afisarea si a altor informatji grance in emisionie posturilor de televisiune
- Decision No 41/1997 of 24 April 1997
- Pentru completarea Deciziel C.N.A. nr.175 din 9 decembrie 1993 privind aprobarea Normelor obligatorii pentru acordarea si programarea dreptulul la replica in cadrul programelor audiovizuale
- Decision No 42/1997 of 24 April 1997
- Referitoare la Normele privind obligatille detinatorilor de licente de emisie de a actualiza datele cuprinse in dosarul de licenta si de a perzenta anual activitatea desfasurata in conditille prevazute in licentja
- Decision No 36/1997 of 10 April 1997
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.