
[ES] Catalan Audiovisual Council’s new Code on LGBTI persons in audiovisual media

IRIS 2017-9:1/11

Mònica Duran Ruiz

Catalan Audiovisual Council

On 20 July 2017, the Catalan Audiovisual Council (Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, CAC), the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families (Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies), and the Catalan College of Journalists (Collegi de Periodistes de Catalunya), announced the publication of a new Code on the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual (LGBTI) people in the audiovisual media (Recomanacions sobre el tractament de les persones lesbianes, gais, bisexuals, transgèneres i intersexuals (LGBTI) als mitjans audiovisuals).

The Code constitutes a new tool for professionals working in audiovisual communication services, as well as for production and advertising companies. In this regard, the twenty-four-page document contains nineteen recommendations referring to language, visual resources and information, and to fiction, entertainment and advertising, with the aim of promoting the visibility of LGBTI persons by means of non-stereotyped normalised presence. The Code also includes a list of expressions to avoid in respect of LGBTI people, and a list of inclusive expressions.

In particular, these recommendations include the use of inclusive language (avoiding the use of discriminating expressions) and suggestions for promoting a pluralist and non-stereotyped graphic and audiovisual representation of LGBTI people. The Code also encourages a realistic vision of LGBTI people and discourages giving a stereotyped and negative perspective. Moreover, the Code recommends facilitating access to audiovisual media by LGBTI people. The Code also includes recommendations for promoting the “normal” presence of LGBTI people as characters in series, movies, entertainment programmes and advertisements. Lastly, in relation to humour, the Code includes recommendations on how to find the balance between the limits of humour and respect for LGBTI people.

The Code fulfils Article 15 of Law 11/2014 of the Parliament of Catalonia on the rights of LGBTI persons and LGBTI-phobia eradication (Llei 11/2014, per a garantir els drets de lesbianes, gais, bisexuals, transgèneres iintersexuals i per a eradicar l'homofòbia, la bifòbia i la transfòbia), which gives competence to the CAC to supervise audiovisual media services’ compliance with the provisions stated in the Law 11/2014.


  • Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, Un codi de recomanacions vetllarà per la presència normalitzada i no estereotipada de les persones LGBTI als mitjans, 20 de juliol de 2017
  • Catalan Audiovisual Council, A code of recommendations will ensure the normalised and non-stereotyped presence of LGBTI people in the media, 20 July 2017

  • Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, Collegi de Periodistes de Catalunya, Recomanacions sobre el tractament de les persones lesbianes, gais, bisexuals, transgèneres i intersexuals (LGBTI) als mitjans audiovisuals, juny 2017
  • Catalan Audiovisual Council, Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families, and Catalan College of Journalists, Recommendations on the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual (LGBTI) people in the audiovisual media, June 2017

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.