[RO] Modifications of the conditions for issuing and amending the notice of retransmission
IRIS 2017-5:1/30
Eugen Cojocariu
Radio Romania International
The Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council - CNA) adopted Decision No. 128 of 14 March 2017 with regard to amending CNA Decision No. 72/2012 on the conditions for issuing and amending the notice of retransmission (see inter alia IRIS 2015-8/29).
A single modification was approved to Article 4 concerning the elements of the notice of retransmission, in the sense that the existing Article 4 became Article 4(1) and a new paragraph (2) was added:
2) The frequency allocation of program services shall reflect the following requirements: a) the television program services are grouped by their topical category; b) the frequencies for radio services are allocated after the allocation of frequencies for television program services. Decision No. 72/2012 had already been modified by the CNA Decision No. 350/2015 in relation to the rules to be observed by the service programmes providers as regards must-carry programmes.
- Decizia nr. 128 din 14 martie 2017 pentru modificarea Deciziei Consiliului Naţional al Audiovizualului nr. 72/2012 privind condiţiile de eliberare şi modificare a avizului de retransmisie
- Decision No. 128 of 14 March 2017 with regard to amending the National Audiovisual Council’s Decision No. 72/2012 on the conditions for issuing and amending the notice of retransmission notice
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This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.