[MT] New tax reduction scheme for local film production
IRIS 2016-6:1/20
Kevin Aquilina
Faculty of Laws, University of Malta
The Malta Film Commission has launched the 2016 ‘Guidelines for Applicants’ whereby prospective applicants can benefit from grants totalling EUR 250,000. The Malta Film Fund has the following main objectives: to encourage the creation of quality productions; to support Maltese filmmaking talent that demonstrates long-term potential; to preserve and promote Maltese cultural and linguistic diversity through qualifying productions; to develop the artistic scope, quality and dissemination of Maltese qualifying productions; and to strengthen films as a cultural product and Malta as a production location.
Eligible qualifying productions aimed for local and international distribution consist of: feature films of a total duration of minimum 80 minutes; short films (productions only) having a screening time of less than 25 minutes; creative documentaries of a total duration of minimum 60 minutes; and high quality international TV series aimed for an international market.
The Fund offered six schemes: Writers’ Grant (maximum grant EUR 5,000); Development Grant (maximum grant EUR 30,000, not exceeding 60% of the budget); Short Film Production - New Talent (maximum grant EUR 2,500); Short Film Production (maximum grant EUR 20,000); Production (maximum grant EUR 120,000, not exceeding 50% of the budget); and International Film Festival Promotion Grant which is a 50-50 match funding for entry fees paid to put Maltese productions into international film festivals, not exceeding maximum grant of up to EUR 300 in total per short film and EUR 500 in total for feature films and documentaries. Further information on these grants may be obtained from the Malta Film Commission website ( The Malta Film Fund 2016 Guidelines for Applicants are also available from the Malta Film Commission website.
The Fund followed the announcement of a 150% tax deduction scheme for the film industry by the Minister for Tourism on 6 May 2016. Companies that choose to contribute towards the production of local films and training initiatives offered by the Malta Film Commission, will be able to benefit from the 150% tax deduction.
- Malta Film Commission, “Malta Film Commission announces new incentives to boost the local film industry. Call for applications for Film Fund 2016 now open”, 6 May 2016
- Stqarrija mill-ministeru għat-turiżmu: L-inċentivi u l-iskemi ġodda se jagħtu spinta lill-industrija tal-films lokali u se jgħinu sabiex is-settur ikollu aktar stabbiltà u joffri aktar opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol
- Press release from the Ministry of Tourism
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.