
[SI] Amendment to the Media law

IRIS 2016-4:1/25

Miha Kriselj

OpenLab institute

On 28 January 2016, the National Assembly adopted an amendment to the Media law with 47 votes for and two votes against. The amendment provides, in addition to quotas for Slovenian music on radio and television stations, for the regulation of comments on online media websites.

In the debate, the government amendment was met with a stormy reaction, especially in relation to the quotas of Slovenian music on the radio. According to Article 86 of the existing law, at least 20 per cent of the daily transmission of music of private radio and television channel must be Slovenian music or musical production of Slovenian artists and performers. The proportion of daily transmission of music for public radio and television is at least 40 per cent, and in case of radio and television programmes of special importance at least 25 per cent. After the coalition addendum, which was accepted by the National Assembly during the second reading, Article 86 was amended, with Article 86a providing time obligations for the quotas of Slovenian music. Thus, radio and television channels have to include at least 60 per cent of Slovenian music in the all-day share of music transmission, between 6 am and 7 pm. For public radio and television, Slovenian music must represent at least 40 per cent of all music transmission, for radio channels of special interest at least 25 per cent, and for commercial radio at least 20 per cent. Both Radio Slovenia and the commercial stations have warned that the amendment to the Media law, in setting quotas and intervals of Slovenian music, might interfere with their editorial policy and significantly alter the character of the radio. But the Minister of Culture shares the opinion that such an approach is justified by the need to promote domestic music creativity, national language, and culture. Article 86a will come into force on 1 July 2016.

The amendment relating to the regulation of hate speech on online media websites imposes on media providers the responsibility to establish rules regarding comments. It also sets out the deadline for fulfilling the demand for correction. In accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court, the request should be submitted within 30 days from the date when the person concerned becomes aware of the publication of the notice, but no later than three months after the publication itself.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.