
[FR] Regulatory Authorities in the Audio-visual Sector and Programme Standards - A Comparative Overview

IRIS 1997-3:1/29

Ad van Loon

European Audiovisual Observatory

The French Senate regularly publishes working documents. Among these publications, there is a series of documents which compares the legislation of different States in different subject areas. Recently, a document was published comparing the legislation of different States regarding regulatory authorities in the media sector and of programme standards.

The States covered are Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands and the UK. A separate section refers briefly to those provisions in the `Television without Frontiers' Directive that relate to the protection of minors.


  • Sénat, Service des Affaires européennes, Les instances de régulation de l'audiovisuel et la déontologie des programmes, 21 janvier 1997, N° LC.
  • Regulatory Authorities in the Audio-visual Sector and Programme Standards - A Comparative Overview, 21 January 1997, n. LC.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.