
[NL] Guidelines on television and youth

IRIS 1997-2:1/19

Nico van Eijk

Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam

The Dutch Media Authority ( Commissariaat voor de Media ) has published new guidelines on the subject of television and youth ( Beleidslijn televisie en jeugd ). The guideline in particular clarifies the existing rules on scheduling films for television and gives additional rules on this topic. It also clarifies the supervisory role of the Media Authority. According to article 22 of the EC Directive on `Television without frontiers', Member States have to take appropriate measures against programmes which might be harmful to the youth. The Dutch Media Act doesn't allow the broadcast of films which aren't suitable for children before 20.00 h or 21.00 h, depending on the classification of the film.

In its guideline, the Media Authority states that in principle the rules on the broadcasting of films also applies to clips of those films. Adapted tv-versions of films also need to pass the classification tests again, because of the possible difference between the cinema and tv-version. The Media Authority underlines that non-classified films en programmes have to respect the same rules.

Furthermore, the broadcasters have to inform the audience in a clear way about the classifications of films. This has to be done at the beginning of the film. Also, as a consequence of the guideline, the broadcasters have agreed to publishes the classification of films in their TV guides.

The Media Authority will evaluate the new guideline and doesn't rule out the possibility that it will review its supervisory rules. It also might seek further improvements of the regulatory framework as laid down in the Media Act.


  • Beleidslijn televisie en jeugd, Commissariaat voor de Media, 17.12.1996, Staatscourant 1996, No 249: 44.
  • Guideline Television and Youth, Media Authority, 17 December 1996, Staatscourant 1996, No 249: 44.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.