
[CZ] New Statute of the State Cinematography Fund Approved

IRIS 2013-9:1/8

Jan Fučík

Česká televize

On 28 August 2013, the government of the Czech Republic approved the new Statute of the Státního fondu kinematografie (SFK - State Cinematography Fund).

The SFK was created on 1 January 2013 pursuant to the Act No. 496/2012 Coll. on audiovisual works and promoting cinema and amending certain laws (see IRIS 2013-2/15). The SFK is the successor of the State Fund for the Support and Development of Czech Cinematography, which was technically, procedurally and legally obsolete.

The Act defines the purpose of the SFK, which is the support of cinematography. Support is provided in two ways: “film incentives” and the general category “promotion of cinematography”. The Statute of the SFK regulates and defines details of the award procedure, the main criteria and other procedural aspects. The Statute was notified to the European Commission on 5 August 2013. Following the approval of the European Commission and of the Czech Government, applicants may submit their projects online. The SFK will be used for financial support for the creation, production, distribution and promotion of new Czech films as well as technological development and projects involving publishing, education activities and film festivals.

One types of film subsidy is the category “film incentives”. This means of support by tax refunds started in March 2013. The available amount of CZK 500 million (~ EUR 19.4 million) has been fully and completely allocated for specific projects that are already being implemented.

For the support category “promotion of cinematography” CZK 132 million (~ EUR 5.1 million) is available in 2013. Some CZK 30 million (~ EUR 1.2 million) has so far been spent on feature productions since those had not been supported in 2012 due to a lack of funds. In 2012, the fund held no more than CZK 102 million (~ EUR 4 million), the lowest amount since 2005 and about half of what the fund held the year before.

The new audiovisual law now uses private sources e.g. by obliging broadcasters to contribute to the SFK. In 2014, the SFK has to cope with a minimum amount of CZK 235 million (~EUR 9.1 million) in the category “Promotion of cinematography” and CZK 500 million (~ EUR 19.4 million) for the category “film incentives”.

The competent authorities vary depending on the category of film subsidy. The so-called Council of the Fund, appointed by the Czech Parliament, decides on grants in the general category “Promotion of cinematography”. The Council’s decision is supported by a preliminary non-binding expert analysis of all applications for film subsidy. Support in the category “film incentives” is granted by the Commission of Experts appointed by the Minister of Culture. The financial resources of both categories cannot be transferred and are rigorously separated from each other.


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This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.